Teaching Leaders How to Tap Into Their God-Given Vision to Manifest Their Divine Calling in the Social, Political, or Economic Spheres
Coach Felecia Killings -- Empowering Rising Leaders
Leadership Coach to Start Up Executives, Business Coaches, Life Coaches, Ministry Leaders & Conservative Political Leaders | Teaching the Principles of Conscious Conservative Leadership | Author: “Revival Begins In You”
About ten years ago, I discovered the raw power and essence of the mind through my many studies.
Many of us believe we understand ourselves. But the truth is, we have not fully embraced the powerful mechanism known as our thinking center.
The mind is more than just a physical element.
It is a spiritual one, a soulish realm.
What we think, we become.
And that includes becoming the things we hate mostly.
Our thoughts shape our words, and our words frame our worlds.
When I first began my coaching business back in 2016, I had no clear thoughts about its manifestation. I simply needed resources to provide a safe, livable environment for me and my daughter. I had recently become a single mother after leaving a tumultuous marriage. Add to it, I was fighting a court case that left me financially destitute.
At the time, my mind was shrouded in fear, doubt, anxiety, bitterness, and brokenness.
As such, I became what I thought.
And broken.
This was certainly not my original nature, because I was raised in a faith-filled home. My father was (and still is) the source of my spiritual training. His early teachings fortified my mind, for had they not been present a decade ago, I would have surely died.
Within the mind of man (or his spirit man) resides life and death. Our will permits us to choose one or the other.
God expressively stated, "Choose life."
More specifically, He declared: "I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse; therefore, you shall choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants" (Deuteronomy 30:19 AMP).
You and I have a choice, Beloved, to choose life.
To tap into that God-given idea or vision and manifest it so we may live.
This life contains everything we need: love, health, strength, fortitude, wealth, prosperity, peace, joy, and happiness.
This is the life we can have ... if we CHOOSE life and not death.
When working with my leader-clients, I always begin each session with a discussion about their vision. I want to know what is that life-giving seed residing in their hearts.
For some clients, their passion is for the lost. They want to see the Gospel message preached in the areas where most Christians dread traversing.
For other clients, their passion is in politics. They recognize the need for principled-based leaders who will influence policies that protect what the people build.
For other clients, their passion is for their social empires. They desire to see healthier marriages, stronger families, and happier homes.
In each case, the vision for their leadership platform directly aligns with God's heart to see the people whole.
And you have a vision, too, Beloved.
There is a need in your sphere of influence that must be met. This need transcends your basic desires to put food on the table or to make a living for your family.
You see a need in your community, in your space, that needs healing, deliverance, revival, and reformation.
The longing you feel right now to manifest that vision is God's Spirit urging you to walk in the calling for which you have been called. And if you are questioning if this is the right time, know it is.
You simply need the spiritual and practical training to help you fulfill it.
If you were blessed by today’s teaching, join our ministry and academy for Conscious Conservative Leaders and learn how to elevate your thought leadership in the social, political, or economic sphere: https://ccmleadership.mn.co/