Teaching Kids to be Thankful
Let’s face it…complaining comes naturally. It feels good to unload, complain or unburden our frustrations to any willing ear. It takes discipline to be encouraging and thankful. How do we teach kids to be thankful and positive when they are constantly surrounded by negativity? Here are a few suggestions:
1. Be a good Role Model: We must model thankfulness and a good attitude. Kids learn from the adults around them. They hear what we complain about and how often. They watch how we respond in challenging situations and they notice how we choose to react when under pressure.
2. Table Talk: No gossip allowed at the table. Negative talk and complaining can be contagious. Meal times can be a great opportunity to encourage talking about your day without tearing people down. Meals times are also a good time to make suggestions about how to deal with tough situations.
3. Pity Parties: It’s ok to have a pity party when you are upset and things don’t go your way as long as you don’t stay there. We all need reminders that a challenging day at school or work doesn’t define us.
4. Make a Thankful List: Making a thankful list may help clarify what really matters. Kids can feel like their world is falling apart when they don’t have the latest iPhone or Fortnite update. Writing out what they are thankful for can serve as a good reminder that happiness should not be connected to their possessions and social status.
5. Give Back: Find a place to volunteer. There are so many places that need help right now such as a local homeless shelter, soup kitchen or food bank. Giving of ourselves and our time can help us to gain a little perspective…the world is so much bigger than our current reality.
Together we can teach kids how to be thankful and positive in moments when they tend to be negative and down on themselves. Let's lead by example and take time this Thanksgiving Season to reflect on the things that we are thankful for.