balasubramaniam sundhararaj (SUNDAR)
Assistant Professor- Training & Placement Division, SASTRA Deemed University, Tanjore, Tamil Nadu.
This Generation of students belong to the Information Era. An Era of information explosion that has wrecked havoc in an Individuals' Life- be it Domestic, Career or Business. With the advent of Internet, it has become a virtual world and the students are bombarded with a plethora of Information/ Data, leaving them in a state of flux, confusion. The Analogy of a Swan drinking Milk, would very much help us to drive home this point. When you keep a bowl of Milk ( mixed with Water ) before a Swan, it has a trait ,whereby, it could separate the Milk from the Water and just consume the Milk alone. The same analogy applies to all students of this Generation who are subjected to Information/Data bombardment from the Social Media. They should know what Data to absorb and what to ignore. However,this is easier said than done. The Social Media, has become such an important facet of a Students' day to day life.
(1).Thus, getting the attention of the Students for a consistent period of time in a Class is going to pose a huge challenge. (2).Students' are so influenced by the Social media, that they keep looking at it, time and again. (3). The Habit of reading Newspapers, Magazines have gone for a Toss and with it the knowledge on Current affairs and important International topical events. (4). Tolerance Levels of Students have come down drastically due to huge information downpour through social media viz relating to Political subjects, Politicians, Movies, Actors , etc.
Therefore, the Lecture Sessions ( with writing on Black Board ) will have to be supplemented/supported by other activities that will keep the students engaged/excited.
Role Plays, Individual Activities, Group Activities, Games will all have to be included to make the Teaching & Learning Outcomes , benefit the Teachers & Students.
Concepts/ Complex Instructions will have to be restructured with Illustrative, Anecdotal Examples to get the message across to the students easily and help them retain them for the rest of their lives.
Teachers should understand and appreciate, that the subjects being taught to the present generation should be given to them in small doses, so that they can understand the core easily.
Try to identify Anecdotes, Illustrations, Examples from a Domestic Environment ( ie Home ) , which the Students would have experienced at some point of time in their life. This way, the Students can easily relate to the Concept and retain it for long periods of time.
The Challenges are always there. But, the Game gets interesting by the minute , because of such challenges, which keeps us engaged,excited and the adrenaline flowing.