Teaching Employees to Become Their Own Health Advocates
Barbara Bonetti
Empowering Semi-Retired Women to Achieve Fitness, Life and Health Goals. Coach|??Cooking, Hiking, Family Time
Healthcare costs continue to skyrocket, chronic disease is on the rise. Are you ready to provide tools to your employees so they can do their part to reverse these ugly healthcare trends and take control of their health and wellness? There are many things employees can do to proactively make a difference in their health and their wallets. It starts by becoming an informed consumer.
For many companies it’s open enrollment season. As employees the big questions are “How much are my benefits increasing?”, “Is my doctor in the network?”, “Is my medicine covered?”, “I thought Preventive Care was free, why am I being charged?” I remember, as a Benefits Administrator during open enrollment meetings these were always the biggest concerns expressed by employees. I would also hear employees say, “My employer or The Insurance Company isn’t going to tell me what to do!”
It used to be that benefit plans offered a flat co-pay for visits to healthcare providers and prescriptions, small deductibles, and low monthly premiums. Rising healthcare and pharmaceuticals cost and the prevalence of chronic disease continue to force companies to modify plan designs and share costs with employees. Companies also incorporate incentives for healthy living and to promote preventive care.
High Deductible Health plans are here to stay. But this doesn’t have to be a bad thing. As an informed healthcare consumer, the first thing employees need to do is – DO THE MATH. These plans can really be more beneficial. Employees need to understand that these plans essentially put them in control of how they spend their money. These plan designs are typically lower in cost and allow employees to save money tax free. Too often I would hear, “those plans are for healthy people. I have a lot of medical or pharmacy expenses, so this plan won’t work for me.” That is not necessarily the case. Lesson 1 for employees on their quest to become their own Health Advocate – Make Informed Decisions.
Compare plans
o Look back over the past year and estimate your healthcare and prescription costs.
o What procedures or meds do you already know you will need in the coming year?
Consider the lower cost plan with higher deductible
o Put the savings into a Health Savings Plan, remember it’s not “Use it or lose it”. This is your money.
Can’t afford prescriptions? Talk to your Health Insurance Company. Sometimes they have programs to help and, they may be able to offer lower costs alternatives that are just as effective (Generic versus Preferred Brand), reach out to the manufacturer. They often offer coupons and discounts. Use tools like Good RX. Shop around. Prices can even vary depending on the pharmacy. Consider home delivery for maintenance drugs. There is often a tremendous saving and it is more convenient.
Compare costs for services.
o ER vs Urgent Care
o MRI at a Hospital vs Independent Provider
o Doctor visit vs Telemed
These are just a few ideas to put employees in the driver’s seat with their healthcare spending. Up next, I will talk about Preventive Care and making the most of your doctor visits. If your employees struggle with wrapping their heads around all that is healthcare (saving money, understanding benefits, building their healthcare team and healthy living) and you want to encourage them to take charge of their health and wellness let’s connect. I am happy to do onsite, virtual training or work one-on-one with employees to help them learn to become their own health advocates and make informed decisions.