Teaching of the Church-leaders
We did work in many places where we were busy with teaching of the Church-leaders.
At Lionde we had wonderful event and attendance of the church leaders who were coming from different Churches, and the total number of 35 leaders received our teaching. And after we given them a chance to comment after the teachings.
One of the pastor ( Mandlazi) who is the Zionist leader at Lionde, he said that: he was a church leaders for a couple of years in the above-mentioned denomination, and also had many wives until some of his wives decided to divorce him and he thought was good to live like that. And today I am saved and I am encouraging to my fellow brothers as well to do the same as I did and not ashamed to turn away from your wrong doings and come to the lord to be saved and start worshipping Him in the right way.
The teaching which blessed them a lot was that of helping them was that of knowing to help pregnant women not to drink alcohol and smoking while they are having babies growing in their wombs. To them this was a new thing to hear for the first time,and the exciting thing which they in respond they promised to take this and go to teach their churches and the community as well.
Thirdly, they enjoyed hearing and knowing that: What is the church? And this question is this (What the church really is)?
And many said that, they did not know what is the church is; and we explained to them that the church is not just a building or a religious uniforms, but the church is the people who are called by God and they are saved by the blood of Jesus and they meet together to serve the lord.
We also had an opportunity to go and lead the Church-conference of the New creation in Conhane, where we were teaching about the leadership of the church what it is and what a leader supposed to do in the church. They also showed their appreciation by saying this: We did not know to differenciate between goat and sheep, and today we were taught very well about the sheep. A sheep always hears the voice of the shepherd but the goats they don’t listen the voice of the shepherd. Let us be the sheep not the goat as from now onwards.
And a girl by the name of Isabel came to us and said: For the first time in my life I am convinced that God really want to do something through me. To touch people’s life using me here in Conhane, please pray for me to bring the change in my friends’ lives, and my neighbors and everywhere I go. In Hokwe, we also managed to visit our team working in that place of teaching the Church-leaders. And they are so glad when we go and visit them and they said that in next year, they will open many new branches.
At the Village called Cumba we Opened New AOG Back to God Church, we had good time and wonderful testimony which we want to share to you now: Many people responded well to the gospel while we were ministering at that place,14 people have received the lord Jesus as their Savior for the first time. And a lady by the name of Elegina, she given her testimony as she used to be the member of Twelve Apostle church, but when she started to feel the pain in her tooth, so when she heard us preaching she came to receive the lord Jesus and since from that moment, her pain was healed.
Angelina, that is the second testimony, she was trained to become a Sangoma (witchdoctor).But she received the lord on the same day responding to our preaching as well. Although after that, she was divorced by her husband for he still believes and worships the ancestor spirits. Let commit this new convert to the lord Jesus, and by doing so we carrying her burdens to our shoulders as our sister now in the lord, let us pray for God to intervene in her life and also for the providence otherwise she can give up so soon.
Our Zimbabwe outreach, we managed to train 35 leaders who came up to attend our leadership seminar at Chipinge AOG Church in Zimbabwe. And the first challenge in Zimbabwe was accommodation it was not an easy thing to get out the place for us, with that made the changes for our seminar place to move from the place mentioned to hold our meetings and went to meet up in another place, on that issue caused the number of the attendance to be reduced. That change was unexpectedly happened.
Secondly, Tanganda team manager he provided for us a place for the accommodation and that was a miraculous thing for us. And another thing, people of Zimbabwe, asked us to go back and teach them in next year, therefore, we are busy negotiating with the Harare leadership to take over that opportunity in next year.
Our new future planning,
in the current week, we are busy teaching here in Town of Chokwe, Bairro 5. And in next week, 17 to 19 we will be busy teaching in Town at Muchope and at the.
In closing to our End of the year newsletter; we will have our graduation day on the
3 of December in Hokwe
And our Computer training will take place from 5 to 11 December
we will train all our workers to facilitate the work of God, by doing so we asked our trainer From AOG Zimbabwe, the teacher we requested him is coming from the University of Zimbabwe, he will give us lessons of few modules this year, and in next year he will come here again for the further training of workers in order to the betterment of their work with the computer.
Thanks yours in AOG Back to God in Mozambique
Evangelist Daniel Jossias Chunguane (Hlungwane)