It teaches you a lot, Experience.

It teaches you a lot, Experience.

The saying "difficult times and bad #experiences are valuable #lessons for the future" is true, but if you allow it to happen to you repeatedly, your life will become a catastrophe. The unfortunate event or challenging moment is ultimately a result of our choice. The more carefully you choose, the lower the likelihood that something unpleasant will occur. Our #environment has an impact on our decisions. We should exercise extreme caution and avoid making #decisions under pressure or when feeling strongly about something.

Depending on how we #act , experience or time might be good or detrimental, where adversity or experience can be a valuable instructor too. It makes us realistic, hard-headed, reasonable, and cautious. It helps us become more mature people. As an illustration, we began wearing helmets while operating a vehicle until an accident occurred. Bad experiences can occasionally make it difficult for people to trust others. There is a reference to the well-known #Gujaratiproverb "??? ?? ?????? ??? ?? ????? ????? ?? ???? ". It denotes a person who avoids consuming cold buttermilk after getting burned by boiling milk. A difficult situation reveals the true #worth of what we have and what we have lost in terms of our finances, health, and relationships.

The real value of a poor situation or experience is not in understanding a lesson but in #applying it in the future. Everyone learns from their experiences, but applying those lessons to the future and moving on are more beneficial than dwelling on failure and tracing its roots.

Finally, one should maintain #learning and #development throughout their horribly long lives if they want to succeed. There are many experiences in store for us. A grin can help you get through a bad period.


