Teachers Are Treasures
Do you have a favorite teacher? Have you celebrated them?
Dear Mr. Bacon, I mean... Gary,
I can honestly say that you changed the course of my life by helping me feel seen, valued and that I belonged. I can’t believe it has been this long since high school but I can truly see that you guided me down a path that has become my life work. I'm truly humbled to celebrate you, my favorite teacher! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Love, Jen (Class of 1988)
Thirty years ago... (yes, 30!) I met the most amazing teacher, Dr. Gary Bacon. He was teaching an alternative learning class called Learning Community at Los Altos High School in California. I took his class my senior year and I can honestly say that it altered the course of my life. It was also the first place I had really learned about and studied Gandhi, adopting “We must be the change we wish to see in the world” as my life motto. Something about the concept that - for whatever complaint that we might have in the world, it is up to us to make that change - really resonated with me.
I am now living that motto in my life and as Senior Executive Assistant and Program Manager for Be the Change Workshops at Challenge Day, a 31 year-old, nationally acclaimed nonprofit that teaches peace, empathy and compassion through anti-bullying programs in schools, and breakthrough workshops for adults and businesses. In her episode featuring Challenge Day, Oprah said, "This is how we change the world."
Monday is Gandhi’s birthday! In honor of this I have sent a card and this plaque to my favorite teacher, Mr. Bacon, although he let us call him Gary!! ??. He showed us love, he respected us, he taught us social and emotional intelligence before it was a buzz word, interpersonal communication, how we are all connected through a reading assignment of a book called Mount Analogue. I did a book report on past life regression! Lol. We played a game called Simulated Society (SIMSOC) as a retreat in Pescadero where we learned how we are all connected in society and what one group does affects the whole... (my greed during that game helped topple the society - good lesson.) We learned what consensus was through the assignment of preparing the menu for the weekend's meals... one person did not agree so we had to keep going around the circle until we all had consensus. When I was about to flunk one of my classes, Gary stayed longer and helped me.
In today's crazy world, we must look for the helpers. Gary is an example of the power we have to impact someone's life. It's up to us to decide how we will do that.
Teachers are treasures. Have you told your favorite teacher the difference they made in your life?
Let's acknowledge all the heroes and role models and create a ripple effect of appreciation and celebration around the world.
#BetheChange #TeachersAreTreasures #ChallengeDay #Hero