

Today's Thought - Teachers

Megan Trainor is a singer/actress who always seemed really nice. She sang non-offensive songs and played funny characters on mediocre shows. Recently, however, she was being interviewed on a podcast and said, "F*&^ Teachers!", explaining that she and her husband were both bullied by teachers, and that they would be home-schooling their children to keep them safe, especially from gun violence. 22 Children in America are killed by someone with a gun every day (EVERY DAY), and this very privileged couple will be doing everything they can to make sure their children survive, as any parent should want to do. Now she is on an apology tour, saying how much she loves teachers and that her words were careless. Okay. Who among us hasn't said something careless in the heat of the moment? Social media is great, isn't it?

Her words are just one more example of how teachers are attacked and demeaned every day. And let's be honest - I had a few bad ones in my day; so did my wife and kids. My daughter had one teacher who that so horrible to her that we had to meet with that teacher weekly to monitor her behavior. My wife was polite but firm - I was direct (and not so polite). I told her that what she did to our daughter should get her fired, and we would be watching her every move. You and yours may have had similar experiences; nobody is perfect, and as in every line of work, there are some people who should be doing something else. On the whole, though, my teachers through the years have ranged from good to excellent, and the experiences I had with them were incredibly important in my development as I became who I am. Teaching has always been difficult; now, with micro-managing politicians and self-centered school board members and lousy parenting, teachers are being disrespected and abused regularly. And this doesn't even get into their new role as shields between their students and gun-toting American terrorists!

Many years ago, I served on a school board, and while most of the decisions we made during my two-year tenure were well done, there were a number of times when it seemed to me that I was the only one looking at the topic objectively. I was also the only one with no children in those schools. We all have opinions and biases and wants and needs, and too often we allow those things to keep us from being clear minded. Forcing teachers to not teach certain subjects just because our personal politics tell us those topics are bad does not help children learn truth and facts. Trying to insert religion into a public-school curriculum is unconstitutional. Assuming our children can do no wrong is idiotic. Assuming the same about teachers is equally foolish. You want to make our educational system better? Attend school board meetings. Volunteer when your work allows it. Serve on committees. Advocate for excellence. Pay appropriate taxes. Pay better salaries. Don't fly off the handle every time you disagree with something or someone! This is part of what is destroying this country. Mostly, be a mature grown-up. We need more of those.

One last thing: to all the teachers out there, I see you and I appreciate you and I pray for you. We have your back. Thank you.

Prayer - Holy God, cure the madness being directed at teachers and staff in our schools. And thank You for their gifts that have been such a big part of our becoming who we are. Amen.

Today's art is part of a mural at Berkeley City College in CA.


The Rev. Dr. Stephen Ohnsman, PhD的更多文章

