Teachers' Strikes: 5 Tips to Manage and Avoid Last-minute Absences
Teachers' Strikes: 5 Tips to Manage and Avoid Last-minute Absences
It's going to be a disruptive week for employers with half a million workers going on strike this Wednesday the 1st. Some schools won't let parents know if it has to close due to the teacher strike until the day of, which could cause a headache with childcare and work commitments.
So, employers should definitely be ready for any last-minute closures and requests for time off for dependants.
5 Ways to Support Staff & Manage Absences Due To The Teacher Strikes:
1. Flexible working: Allow employees to work from home, where possible, but keep in mind that this must be balanced with childcare. It is possible that the employee will be unable to work from home while caring for the child.
2. Leave requests: Staff who cannot work, can request annual leave. Unpaid leave is also an option. You may allow an employee to take the day out of their normal holiday entitlement at short notice. It is important to remember that providing an extra day of paid leave to those who are affected clearly benefits them if those who are not affected by the strikes do not receive an additional day as well.
3. Change working hours: Allow some flexibility in their working times to accommodate childcare. Adjust working hours to accommodate the days off the affected employees need, i.e., condensed hours or longer working days.
4. Allow employees to take emergency leave/dependants leave (both unpaid unless you have a separate agreement in your contract). Parental leave is subject to 1 year’s service. Although this may not be helpful during the current cost of living crisis, this is an option.
5. Reduce unauthorised absence: To avoid employees taking unauthorised absences, make them aware of the options above.?Make sure that you let your employees know what the options are. Don't be too quick to say no, always think it through. You can take disciplinary action against an employee if they take unauthorised time off without good cause, but if you make sure they know their options, it shouldn't come to that.
When Will the Strikes Take Place??
Feel free to contact our HR experts if you have any questions such as:
1. Can I impose disciplinary measures?
2. What if my employee is unable to obtain alternative childcare?
3. Do I have to pay my employees if they are unable to work due to strikes?
4. What if my employee made childcare arrangements and their plans fell through at the last minute?
5. Can my employee take parental leave if they are affected by the teacher strikes?
6. What if my employee fails to notify me that they are unable to work?
If you require urgent no obligation and free confidential employment law, HR advice with managing the impact of the teacher's strikes on your workforce, Contact us today for support.?