Teachers may not be on the frontlines, but still deserve to make the headlines.
During the pandemic, the worldwide medical community has put their lives at risk every single day, and certainly deserve every bit of the attention and recognition they receive. Although teachers aren’t risking their lives, their efforts to teach our kids during this new age of "Distance Learning” is also worthy of great admiration. For months, they’ve had to figure out ways to hold the attention of their students who are challenged with every possible distraction imaginable. (“I’m not kidding Mr. Bresslow, my dog really did eat my homework. Look!” Cut to live Zoom footage of Daisy enjoying fractions a lot more than Timmy.)
So, as a tiny tribute to all the educators out there who’ve persevered through these extremely challenging times, I’d like to share this two-minute video of one of my son’s teachers who clearly loves teaching. To me, she represents all the great educators out there who demonstrate tremendous passion, creativity and ingenuity to hold the attention of their students even in the most trying circumstances. (The teacher’s name is Se?ora Dallas, the class is Spanish II, the school is Fairhill, and yes, that's a real dog.)
Thank you Se?ora Dallas! Thank you teachers! Your effort and passion is greatly appreciated! You are truly on the front lines of our children's future.
What an amazing tribute to Sra. Dallas! She is an inspiration to all of us. I agree...teachers are working very hard to make distance learning successful.