Teachers at home who are also parenting at home—hat’s off to you!
Lannetta Knotts - Design Director and Owner
Specialty: Education environments
I think being the parent of a toddler is probably one of the most challenging experiences I’ve ever had to go through. But then I heard from a mom of twin toddlers who is also a high school teacher in the middle of the pandemic. Can you imagine? I would scream and just about lose my mind!
Another school teacher I talked to recently is the mom of a senior in high school and a one-year-old. I wonder: how do you manage to check in on your teenager to make sure they aren’t slacking off and keep your baby entertained—all while educating the future minds of America?
Never did we think there would be a time that we would have to educate our children at home because of a pandemic, or that we would live with the daily possibility that schools could close for weeks or months at a time, at the drop of a hat. These times have been very trying and difficult for moms and dads all over the world. The pandemic has given a whole new meaning to work-life balance.
We were curious how these moms managed their roles as teachers teaching students, as well as parents facilitating learning for their own children. We asked them, how do you do it? Initially they both thought they could teach their students in the same space where their own children were learning from home. They both quickly realized with Zoom calls and the need for everyone to stay focused, a combined space wouldn’t work in the long run.
Both moms stated they knew they needed to have two separate spaces. One for teaching their classes and one for their children to learn without distractions. Once these spaces were established, life got a lot easier. Both parents also began to modify their work schedules, getting up early to plan for the day and record lessons. Then when their kids got up for the day, they turned their focus on their children, going back to their professional teaching responsibilities during their children’s nap and bedtimes. Talk about a juggling act! Hats off to teachers working and parenting from home.
Are you stressed because your children are virtual schooling this year? Are you confused about how to set up a virtual classroom for yourself and an at-home learning space for your children? Not sure where to start? Maraye Design Studio has put its expertise designing K-12 environments to work for you, offering virtual School at Home packages to create the best learning environments at home. All services are provided virtually for safety and convenience. Visit our website at https://maraye.com to learn more.