Teacher's Day
Mohamed Ariffuddeen M
I'm Proud because of my students/ My students are proud because of me.
Dear Connections:
I am a proud teacher since June18,2014. I can proudly say that I am proud becuse of my students and my students are proud becuse of me. This kind of interactive travel continues with lot of love and affection shared between the teachers and students.
The students of different departments showed their affection by giving gifts and taken photos with their favorite teachers made the day the happiest.
I am thankful to the SNS Institutions for giving me the opportunity to enjoy the education along with my lovable students.
Good teachers have strong relationships with their students by being warm, available, and kind. They reach out to parents often, with both updates and concerns. They also work with administrators and other teachers to improve their own teaching as well as the colleges at which they teach.
The best teachers should have Patience and Compassion. It's fair to say that most teachers will have their patience tested more than once during their careers! ...
By improving the above said skills to enhance the quality of teaching to become a best teacher should be an ambition of any teacher like me.