A teacher: Our role-models, second parents and for the rest of our lives, an undying guide!!!.
Teachers Play the Role of Second Parents
The Best Teacher sees her students as a continuum of oneself; she is someone who has personified this for me. There are times when I think my mannerism match her personality more than my own mother, treat her students like her own children and watches out for them, making sure they always do their best.
Teachers are like second parents. For thirteen years, they shape our minds and help us to recognize our talents and goals. To some teachers, it is nothing but a job that pays the bills. But to others, it is their life. Between junior high and high school I have had thirty-six different teachers. Some people believe that the teachers’ primary role is to teach children to behave and to judge what is right and wrong. But on the other hand, teachers play the role of second parents to the pupils. It is they who correct the pupils if something went wrong like what they do on their own children. The teachers also play significant role in shaping the life of the pupils under their care.
Talking to a pupil can help a teacher understand a pupil’s life situation better. Some of them are from a broken family, while others don’t have parents and live with immediate relatives. Sometimes they are experiencing problems and difficulties in school and the teacher as a second parent will decide to have a home visit to somehow solve the problem. Home visitation also helps teachers to understand why pupils behave in different ways. There are circumstances that some pupils are voluntarily sharing their problem at home to their teacher. Teacher as a second parent will support their pupils by giving proper guidance. Once a pupil feels that the teacher appreciates what they do, they will trust their teacher more. Pupils spend quality time in school than in home. We need to make pupils to feel that they are safe enough and never let fear be your image but love. In return, pupils should give respect to their teachers through disciplined behavior and putting in good efforts in their studies; pupils can attain success in their life and also make their parents and teachers proud of their success.
Children are like wet cement, they are imprinted with all that is taught to them. Relationship between a teacher and a student should more be personal than professional. A teacher motivates the students towards a better growth. A teacher should teach in such a way the students get pleasure from studies. Students should never try to insult the teacher. Rather, they must be respectful towards them. Attitude of the teacher towards the students sets the foundation for this. Students should complete a given work in time and respond positively. This is one of the ways in which to show appreciation to your teacher and give him/her the confidence in his/her skills.
A teacher alone can't lead to a student to success. "Practice makes perfect" is an adage that will always hold true.When the student-teacher relationship is good, students grow up to be sincere human beings.
Communication is an essential component in fostering a good relationship between students and teachers. Talking to a student can help a teacher understand a student better. A teacher should come across a student as a friend, guide and mentor, empathize with the student by being one like them. Once a student feels that the teacher appreciates what it feels like to a student, the students feel they are on the same wavelength as their teacher. Consequently, they will trust their teacher more. We criticize a student's action but students are so used to criticism that they develop a defense mechanism. We need to make them feel safe enough to relax their defences and and turn even the most difficult student to into a positive member of the class. Tips for teachers: Praise students before scolding. Never let fear be your image but love. Give them a sense of belonging and not empty threats. Avoid comparisons as it is deeply resented. One must never label a child but try and understand their needs. Keep doing all this and one would soon find students as a teacher's best friends confiding everything in the teacher.
The real reason OF A TEACHER WHO holds significance
1. The teacher is always there for you.
Be it that maths problem you have difficulty solving or a life problem you can’t figure out; your teacher is always there for you.
2. (S)he is your guiding light.
The teacher always shows you the right way.
3. Sometimes, your teacher knows more of your secrets than your mother – and still keeps them.
Be it the subtle flirting in class or that bad habit you indulged in once and were caught, your teacher knows it all. However, he/she gently guides you to the right path and sometimes holds your secrets close to the heart.
4. Teachers are sometimes harsh, but only because they love you.
Just like your mother, your teacher too is sometimes harsh with you. However this is only because (s)he wants you to grow and be a good individual.
5. A teacher is truly selfless.
It’s tough being a teacher.
6. Teachers are inspirational.
Teachers truly inspire you and push you to follow your dreams. A teacher stands by you every step of the way and shows you the correct path and helps boost your confidence.
7. Teachers never blow their own trumpets, they do things quietly but surely.
A teacher is proud, very proud but not of himself or herself but of students. (S)he will never boast but will be supportive and helpful.
8. Only a teacher can push you to explore your full potential.
A teacher sometimes knows you and your strengths better than you yourself.
9. A teacher is a lot more than just someone who teaches.
(S)he is a guide, a friend, an enemy and a parent.
10. A teacher is the only one who will celebrate if you rise beyond him/her.
Ever wondered what your teachers feel when you become rich and famous but they are still there at the same salary? They feel proud. because silently, they made you, you!
11. A teacher is not afraid of telling you the truth.
All those times you hated your teacher for being harsh? Well, you were only being moulded into a better individual.
12. A teacher might not remember your name after 10 years but will remember every little quirk of yours.
What lies in a name? But a lot does lie in your personality and a teacher will never forget that.
13. A teacher always puts him/herself second.
You are the first priority. Always.
14. A teacher knows you for all your goodness and vices.
And still loves you.
Many believe that the teachers’ primary role is to teach children to behave and to judge what is right and wrong. But on the other hand, teachers play the role of second parents to the pupils. It is they who correct the pupils if something went wrong like what they do on their own children. The teachers also play significant role in shaping the life of the pupils under their care.Talking to a pupil can help a teacher understand a pupil’s life situation better. Some of them are from a broken family, while others don’t have parents and live with immediate relatives. Sometimes they are experiencing problems and difficulties in school and the teacher as a second parent will decide to have a home visit to somehow solve the problem. Home visitation also helps teachers to understand why pupils behave in different ways. There are circumstances that some pupils are voluntarily sharing their problem at home to their teacher. Teacher as a second parent will support their pupils by giving proper guidance. Once a pupil feels that the teacher appreciates what they do, they will trust their teacher more. Pupils spend quality time in school than in home. We need to make pupils to feel that they are safe enough and never let fear be your image but love. In return, pupils should give respect to their teachers through disciplined behavior and putting in good efforts in their studies; pupils can attain success in their life and also make their parents and teachers proud of their success.
Learning can be hard because it puts new ideas in your brain. And since your brain is still developing, it needs these new ideas to be stronger. That, my loves, is why you’re in school. We also have to understand why a teacher chooses to be strict or lenient. But in the end, difficult teacher or not, it will always depend on you. Would you rather know nothing, or know much more?”
“Teachers are there to be instruments for your learning, too. And the best teachers look past what is written in textbooks. They go as far as thinking about how your learning today can affect your future. They also see how you deal with pressure, express yourself verbally, evaluate situations, approach problems, accept mistakes and find solutions.
“If you look at it, these are things you have to learn in real life. Plus the fact that in your case, can you imagine them being in a roomful of teenagers to teach?”
My lovable Teachers, I salute you. Your service to our children is as valuable as life itself. Besides us parents, you are role models for our children.I hope that we can also remind our sons and daughters to thank you, because no matter what behavior you have shown them, be it kindness, thoughtfulness, understanding, and even strictness, you have in one way or another have given them a taste of the kind of people they will meet in their lifetime.
As responsible adults, we will not forget that we are also on our own journeys. In our world full of distractions, which the vulnerable minds of our youth are exposed to, let us see it fit to approach them in a manner that will welcome and inspire, rather than alienate them from the priceless gift of education.
From my own experience, I understand that balancing our personal and professional lives does test us. But it is our test, not theirs. And as we empower the youth to become true and honorable leaders in the future, we, too, enable ourselves to become more than just the ordinary people these children encounter in their lives—just like Ma’am.....
A teacher: Our role-models, second parents and for the rest of our lives, an undying guide. When we commit a mistake, a good teacher will not hesitate to point them out to us. Also, they help us to walk on the right path and endow us with life skills. A teacher besides involved with main objective of teaching also molds the heart and mind of students. a teacher is a person who helps others to learn and prepare children for their life.
Principal at The New Indian school
7 年Good One ...
Grade 3 Educator at CURRO Thatchfield
7 年I as a teacher agree with all that is said. But it is with a heavy heart that I say a teacher especially those in pre-foundation and foundation phase can make or break a child. From the moment a child is born they are exposed to so many things and they soak up all these things like sponges. Some of things should be unknown to them. As teachers we should support the child and help them lighten the load of the negative and replace it with positive.
Ex Principal of Buccleuch Primary School
7 年Love this
Executive - Marang Education Trust, Social Impact Leader, Master Well-being and Mindfulness Trainer and Coach. Ubuntu Ambassador,GIBS Certified Business Coach, Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity and Belonging Advocate
7 年Schools must be places of hope, love and crafting your dreams ??????????
7 年Love this Smart comment indeed