Teacher is not (only) Profession
Eko Cahyono
Education Policy research, Strategic Planning, Project Monitoring & Evaluation, Project Performance Assessment Framework, Capacity Building
Traditionally, we perceived teachers as profession to deliver (quality) learning. Therefore, quite a lot we heard the term “continuous professional development” in education sector. The term limits teacher to do their jobs as business as usual like other profession. Profession is subject to reward and punishment approach, where if those conditions (either reward or punishment) are missing, the learning results (outcomes) may be missing too (not sustainable) which hinder the essence of education to lifelong learning. I have an insights the limitation teacher’s role to only profession will only develop human towards mechanical being and life our live like a machine (very boring). What is happening at the moment show us strong evidence the trend where gaps on learning outcomes even wider. We heard Education for All (EFA) in early 2000 but we never achieved the objectives, then came another similar approach to teacher’s role in 21st century, the SDG. Which I believe will face the same faith as EFA. All of that will continue in the future without transforming teacher’s role by limiting only as profession toward “role model”.
I researched “role model” in internet but mostly the terms are still influenced by reward and punishment approach which is considered as conditioning demanded craving upon it. The only term of role model fit into on non reward and punishment approach expressed by Maria Wale (https://teach.com/what/teachers-are-role-models/). Teachers is not only taught us academic but rather taught us life’s lessons. However, in fact what we see in every day life teacher as profession is dominant which only delivering learning to pursue knowledge and skills but ignoring delivering learning to live together and to be enlighten.
In Javanese we call teacher in daily life by sankrit word “guru” which fits to term teacher as role model. Guru is used as well not only to call teacher as profession but also for other qualities for people who own mastery and wisdom to share insights to live together and to be enlighten. Jiddu Krishnamurti (India Philosopher) expressed guru qualities as role model to be free from conditioning in order to deliver long-life learning and transform every children toward universal humanity values from within. Unfortunately, it is rare to find teacher as role model in daily life due to strong influences of reward and punishment approach.
English Teacher Trainer at High School for Teaching and The Professions
2 年When you think of the type of teacher you’d like to be, who comes to mind? The math teacher that helped you conquer fractions? The English teacher who wrote great comments on your stories? The teacher that helped you discover a new sport, hobby, talent–or maybe even nudged you down your current career path?