Teach Your Kids This!
Teach The Value of Constructive Aggression and Constructive Passivity
A lot of adults don’t know and are convinced that passivity is right or wrong, or aggression is wrong or right. Viewing aggression and passivity as right or wrong is a recipe to become stuck, and only allows one way of knowing how to deal with problems.
The goal is for our children and ourselves to use passivity and aggression constructively when it’s called for.
A lot of people tend to fall under one or the other. It’s important to understand the value of both.
Constructive aggression is used when someone is trying for a gold medal, confronting a problem, or swerves out of the way of an animal or person in the road.
Constructing passivity is used when agreeing to disagree, respecting someone who is on a different page, or taking a one down when you recognize there is someone else in the room with more experience or leadership qualities.
There are constructive parts of both and you want to pass both on to your children.
How do you pass constructive aggression and passivity to your child?
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