Teach them so they know
Sally Wolff
Founder | Believer in the power of play | Provider of Forest School opportunities in primary schools.
The best way to keep children safe around a fire is to teach them.
Do you remember being fascinated by fire? Maybe you still are? (I hope so) As humans, we are intrinsically connected to fire Our forefathers spent time around fire; telling stories, singing songs, and building a sense of belonging. It should come as no surprise that today's children are also intrigued by its mesmerizing powers But here's the thing... Most of us think that it is dangerous for our children to be near fire, we worry they will get burnt ...and we would be right in thinking that fire can be dangerous
That said... here is the truth.. Telling children to keep away from fire will not keep them safe The pull to explore for themselves is too strong So what should we do?
The answer lies in the Forest School belief that if children are taught specific fire skills and respect for fire they are far less likely to seek out fire in dangerous circumstances, for example, a box of matches in the woods!
Better still, they will start teaching you! Next time you are lighting a fire you may well hear a little voice reminding you to "sit safely."
If you would like your child to learn some of these essential skills, I am running a series of mini fire lighting sessions at Yolk Farm in Boroughbridge, during the Easter Holidays and it would be great to have you along. It's a drop-off situation so you don't need to stay with your child.
Ps There is an award-winning cafe on site and free entrance to the Yard@Yolk indoor play area is included in the ticket cost.
Sally x