Teach A Child When He is Ready

Teach A Child When He is Ready

Marie’s daughter Emily just entered kindergarten. At preschool, Emily engaged in activities like petting rabbits and creating art with macaroni noodles. Emily isn't very interested in learning how to read, but she loves to dance, sing, and can play with Barbies for hours.

Frances, Emily's older sister, could read well before she started kindergarten, which made Marie worry about the difference between them. Emily's grandparents also considered it a problem and hinted that Marie should read to Emily more often. When Marie discussed it with another mom, her friend shared the same common concern about her own two daughters, curious if it was somehow her fault for not reading to her younger daughter enough. Would these younger siblings be behind the moment they started kindergarten?

This scenario drives us mad because it is based on fear, competition, and pressure, not on science or reality Not only parents state that they have undue pressure, but their kids are, too. The measuring stick is out, comparing one kid to another, before they even start formal schooling. Academic standards are being set at younger ages, assuming it leads to better performance later on.

Evidence shows that we now teach reading to 5-year-olds even though it’s more efficient to teach them to read at age 7, and that any benefit gained by kids who learn to read early washes out later in childhood.

What was once advanced work for a given grade level is now considered the norm, and children who struggle to keep up or just aren’t ready yet are considered deficient. Children feel frustrated and humiliated, and there occurs a low sense of control if they’re not ready to learn what they’re being taught.

The fact is that although schools have changed, children haven't. Today’s 5-year-olds are no more fundamentally advanced than their peers were in 1925, when we started measuring such things. A kid nowadays can draw a square at the same age as a child living in 1925 (4 and a half), or a triangle (5 and a half), or remember how many pennies he has counted (up to 20 by age 6).

The following factors indicate a child's readiness for reading and arithmetic.. Sure, some kids will jump the curve, but children need to be able to hold numbers in their head to really understand addition, and they must be able to discern the oblique line in a triangle to recognize and write letters like K and R.

Essentially the trouble is that while children from the 1920s to the 1970s were free to play, laying the groundwork for key skills like self-regulation, modern kindergartners are required to read and write.

Brain development makes it easier to learn virtually everything (except foreign languages) as we get older. Work is always easier with good tools. You can build a table with a dull saw, but it will take longer and be less pleasant, and may ingrain bad building habits that are hard to break later on.

The improper pencil grip is one of the most evident issues stemming from hasty academic training. Holding a pencil correctly is actually quite challenging. You need to have the fine motor skills to hold the pencil lightly between the tips of the first two fingers and the thumb, stabilize it, and move it horizontally and vertically using only your fingertips. In a preschool class of 20 we know of in which the kids were bucked up to write much too early, 17 needed occupational therapy to precisely correct the workarounds they’d internalized in order to hold a pencil.

Think of it: 85 percent of kids needed extra help, parents spent extra money, and parents and kids felt stressed because some adult thought, “Hey, wouldn’t it be swell if we taught these 4-year-olds to write?” without any regard to developmental milestones.

Everyone knows that we see this early push all the way through high school. Eighth-grade students now take science classes that were previously taught to ninth graders, and tenth graders read literature that was once taught in college.. In Montgomery County, outside Washington, DC, the school district attempted to teach algebra to most students in eighth grade rather than ninth grade, with the goal of eventually teaching it to most kids in seventh grade. It was a disaster, with three out of four students unsuccessful in their final exam. Many eighth graders do not have the advanced abstract thinking skills required to fully understand algebra.

Historically, kids begin college in their late teens because they were ready; while there have always been instances, on the whole 14-year-olds weren’t well thought out to be developmentally ready for rigorous college work. Ironically, in our efforts to advance our children, we have actually regressed in our own thinking regarding these issues.

Ned fields requests from many parents who want their kids to start SAT prep in the ninth grade. Ned says to them that it’s an error to spend their child’s time and their money for him to teach them things that they will naturally learn in school. It’s far better to postpone for them to acquire skills and acquire knowledge at school, and then to add to that with some test preparation in their junior year.

Starting test prep too early is not just totally unnecessary, it is actively counterproductive. It’s like sitting your 14-year-old down to explain the intricacies of a 401(k) plan. It’s not going to register.

The central, crucial message here is one that may seem counterintuitive, but it's important for all parents to internalize: Early isn’t inevitably better; and likewise, more isn’t better if it’s too much.


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