Te Terenga | Z's Commitment to Te Ao Māori
2024 was a significant year of growth in our pursuit to better understand and engage meaningfully with tangata whenua and within kaupapa Māori (events and initiatives that incorporate the knowledge, skills and values of Māori society).
On reflection, considerable milestones were achieved last year, and I am extremely proud and grateful of the mahi (work/deeds) our Z Whānau have demonstrated over the first official year of the implementation of our guiding framework and commitment to Te Ao Māori – Te Terenga. ?As an organisation, we now have a solid foundation of which we can continue to build our whare mātauranga (house of knowledge) and a wider pool of capability developed through genuine experiences and the dedication and leadership of many across teams and business units.
Implementing a commitment of this nature, where genuine, long-standing change takes place, requires significant buy-in from all areas of the business. In particular, unwavering support and investment from the Pou Matua (CEO) and Executive Leadership Team is essential. It has been a humbling experience to lead the first year of Te Terenga with an LT who embody the following sayings, ‘He mana tō te kupu – Words have great power (with a responsibility for what is said or written to be pono and upheld) and ‘Waiho mā te mahi e kōrero – Let your deeds speak for themselves’. The ZLT not only understand the importance of the commitment, but wholeheartedly embrace the journey through willingness and discussion, but more importantly, through action and role modelling. There is a deep curiosity and respect to explore the wisdom and possibilities that Te Ao Māori can offer and this dedication and support of the kaupapa is crucial in realising true transformational change.
It was no surprise to me that Ngā Aukaha | The Te Terenga Guiding Principles – Manaakitanga, Whanaungatanga, Rangatiratanga and Kaitiakitanga – were the aspects of Te Terenga that resonated most with our people. There is a universal understanding of principles of this nature regardless of the language they are presented in. It has been wonderful to see our Z Whānau not only embrace them but actively explore the deeper meaning and possible application of each from a professional and personal outlook. There have been many individuals and teams who have shared transformative experiences where applying these principles and being immersed in kaupapa Māori have significantly impacted their beliefs and lives. I have been privileged to witness and take part in conversations where many of these occurrences have taken place.
'We recognise we are still a young seed willing to be nourished with the knowledge and learning needed to navigate this journey' and, like a young-one navigating new horizons, we will stumble and make mistakes along the way, but I've seen enough to know that our Z Whānau will learn quickly and endeavour to right any missteps we happen to take on this journey, tērā te kōrero; mā te hē e ako ai tātou i te tika - we learn what is right from our 'lessons'.
I am proud of all the initiatives we have implemented and achieved over 2024, but three areas that I am deeply proud of are our iwi engagements, the cultural safety we have created for our Māori and Pasifika whānau (especially for our younger, impressionable Z’ers) and the invaluable individuals who make up Ngā Mata Kōkiri – our Māori Ally Network ‘shooting stars’. Combined, these three critically important aspects of our commitment are bearing deeply meaningful results, internally and beyond, and, with our first year behind us, I see continued success and our overall effectiveness moving into 2025 growing from strength to strength.
‘Ka hou ki te whenua he tūngoungou, ka puta ki te rangi he pepe.’ - A pupa enters the earth, a butterfly emerges into the sky.
Kei taku whānau ki Z Energy - kia kaha tonu rā, e mara mā! He ranea ngā hua o Te Terenga hei painga mōu. Hāpaitia tā tātou kaupapa – kia māia, puritia, kia ū!
1 个月“Waiho mā te mahi e kōrero – Let your deeds speak for themselves.” - You are an inspiring leader Te Rau Winterburn :)
Te ātiawa ki Whakarongotai, āti Haunui-ā-Pāpārangi, Ngāti Tūwharetoa
1 个月Mahi rangatira chief! Hope you and yours are well!