Te Good Deeds That You Do Can Come Back To You In Good Ways

I got a wonderful surprise yesterday in the morning. A good deed that I had done over two years ago came back to me in a most positive way.

?????Before the pandemic, we had a custom one week before Christmas each year at the pool. We would hold a "potluck" luncheon. Each swimmer would either make a dish or purchase something from a restaurant. A lavish spread would be set up. A feast would follow with lots of friendship and happy vibes

?????????Luah and Elena are great cooks. Pedro's primary profession is as a college professor. His secondary profession is a chef in Canada. My cooking skills are not that great. I can turn out an edible but not inspiring meal.

????Our last luncheon was in 2019. I had forgotten to buy something from a restaurant. I was forced to cook something. I started with some shrimp. I added other ingredients that I thought would make the dish tasty. I baked the whole thing in the oven. I brought it to the pool. I put it on the table. As lunch began, people loved it. I had a hit on my hands! I had many requests for the recipe. I had to tell people that I just "slapped it together." I had no recipe.

?????I had a medical appointment yesterday. I came to the pool late. I found myself sharing a lane with an older lady named Kathy. She said to me the following:

????????"You're Jack; I still haven't forgotten that shrimp dish that you cooked at the last potluck Christmas luncheon."

????I was pleasantly surprised. I was touched. When you do good things, they have an impact. They come back to you in a good way.




