TCSP Legal Monthly News Mash - December 2024
Highlights include SRA news on compliance and audits, insightful AI videos, and the latest BCAs from David Opie and the team at Today's Media.
Have you read this warning (below) from The Law Society ?
They’re warning that the chance of your law firm being audited by the SRA is increasing. It’s scary reading (as is the SRA’s 2023-24 AML Report). The CQS regs cover the main areas of non-compliance too – and request firms to be able to prove what decisions were made on every file, every time. If you are worried at all about how you would reverse engineer all the CQS Requirements into your matters, so that you can prove what you do (or possibly worried that you know what is happening on your team’s matters isn’t up to par), contact us on [email protected] – we can help.
2025 is the year to get everything organised, so that you can welcome any audit with open arms (or at least less stomach curdling!).
See you at the BCAs?
I am genuinely honoured to announce that I have been asked to be a judge for the British Conveyancing Awards 2025 again, on 13th March 2025.
Conveyancing is close to my heart, and I love reading the applications that I get to judge. To top it all, Vernon Kay is hosting the awards too (my “radio crush”!!).
What could be more fun than celebrating conveyancing teams, and Vernon Kay?? If you do conveyancing, hopefully you will think about entering.
The link is here -
See you on the night!
Rich G Dibbins. from Staxton Digital has just created our first video explaining the 2022 CQS Core Practice Management Standards.
Other than the interesting subject (!), the exciting thing about this video is that that Rich has created it using AI.
We think it’s really impressive – what do you think?!
According to the United Nations, it could take 286 years to close gender gaps in legal protection and remove discriminatory laws against women.
One thing for sure is that it is far easier to address anything in life if you have the right data. Susan Gregory has launched a survey to capture the voice of women working in property, so that we can start to collect the data.
The link to the survey is here -
Thank you for reading, to learn more about what we do at The CS Partnership, just call us on 0333 989 8389 or email us [email protected]
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