TCPEP Seeking Board Members

TCPEP Seeking Board Members

The Truro & Colchester Partnership for Economic Prosperity (TCPEP), a regional enterprise network representing the Truro & Colchester Region, is recruiting 2-3 volunteers for a three (3) year term on its Board of Directors. TCPEP was formed through a partnership of the Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce, the Towns of Truro and Stewiacke, Millbrook First Nation and the County of Colchester. Led by a Board of Directors with extensive business experience, TCPEP operates as a regional connector among economic development partners, supporting business growth/retention and providing regional leadership on economic development priorities.

We exist to help businesses start, grow, overcome challenges, and create opportunities. By helping businesses grow, we make our economy and our communities stronger. We promote the region to attract and retain talent. We serve aspiring entrepreneurs & existing businesses. Helping these customers/beneficiaries prosper makes our community better and benefits the stakeholders.

Our aspiring and existing businesses want unbiased business advice, business development support and resource navigation.

We develop quality content for advertising and promoting the region. We advertise in various markets and provide personal services for people interested in relocating to Truro & Colchester. More information can be viewed online at

Application Process: The deadline for receipt of applications is May 31, 2022. Applications are invited from the TCPEP stakeholder community and the general public. Candidates are being sought with combined skills and experience in business, industry, corporate governance, financial stewardship, strategic planning, communications, partnership development, stakeholder relations, and expertise in law, accounting, human resources, economic development, and entrepreneurship. Preference will be given to members from diverse community/business groups (indigenous, persons with a disability, persons of colour or African Nova Scotians, LGBTQ2+, and youth).

Board members should be comfortable working within a policy board governance model (i.e. not a management board); private sector or leaders in their field; have demonstrated their commitment to the region; and be capable of representing our broad regional interests, not just those of a specific organization or interest group.

A completed application comprises the following items: ? Resume or brief bio ? Completed Application Questions

A director shall be knowledgeable about the following:

  1. Economic development, entrepreneurship, and/or economics
  2. The duties and expectations of a director.

Directors should be passionate about growing their economy and willing to invest their time and talent. The director demonstrates excellent leadership skills, resourcefulness and the ability to think broadly and act collaboratively. S/he manages and works closely with the CEO, and seeks solutions to new challenges, and identifies and capitalizes on new opportunities.

The Board of Directors is required to meet a minimum of six (6) times annually, but typically meets monthly. Meeting dates and times will be established to suit the Board’s needs. Furthermore, web-based conferencing may be utilized to reduce travel time and/or to adhere to public health directives.

The Nominating & Recruitment Committee oversees the director selection process, which involves: ?

  1. Reviewing of applications
  2. Assessing applicants’ qualifications, experience, and competencies according to the competencies matrix
  3. Nominating qualified candidates to the Liaison and Oversight Committee for approval. The Nominating and Recruitment Committee will strive for geographic and sectoral inclusion, as well as diversity of gender, ethnicity, and age reflective of our region.

Applicants must:

  1. be the age of majority
  2. not be a federal, provincial or municipal government employee or an elected official;
  3. Must not be an employee of a partner agency.

Core Tasks of the Board of Directors: ?

  1. Regional economic development strategy – Developing and monitoring the progress of the regional economic development strategy in addition to annual financial and business plans
  2. Building relationships – Ensuring excellent communication and sound working relationships with the Liaison and Oversight Committee and other partners and stakeholders
  3. Performance management – Understanding how activities and services align with the mandate and objectives of the regional economic development strategy, and ensuring that there are procedures in place to monitor, measure, review and improve TCPEP policies and performance outcomes
  4. Strong financial stewardship – Stewarding the financial health of the organization by ensuring that strong financial management skills and appropriate accountability measures are in place
  5. Governance and policy development – Ensuring the existence of a sound governance framework, including all the policies, practices, and procedures that define the decision-making process and delineate the roles and responsibilities of the Board and the CEO;
  6. CEO oversight and evaluation – Ensuring that there is a system in place to manage and evaluate the Executive Director.

Fiduciary Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Each director is responsible to act honestly, in good faith and in the best interests of the TCPEP and in doing so, to uphold the by-laws of the organization and to support the organization in fulfilling its mission and discharging its accountabilities
  2. A director’s fiduciary duty includes a requirement that he or she avoid situations where the interests of the director are in conflict with the interests of TCPEP
  3. TCPEP shall be responsible to provide board members appropriate Directors Liability Insurance and Errors and Omissions Insurance. Accountability
  4. The director is not solely accountable to any special group or interest and shall act and make decisions that are in the best interest of the organization, as a whole
  5. A director shall be knowledgeable of the stakeholders to whom the organization is accountable and shall appropriately take into account the interests of such stakeholders when making decisions as a director, but shall not prefer the interests of any one group if to do so would not be in the best interests of the organization.

Teamwork and Participation:

  1. A director is expected to properly prepare for meetings, participate actively in Board discussions and generally participate constructively
  2. A director must feel comfortable expressing a dissenting opinion or vote
  3. Despite differences in opinion, directors are expected to act in solidarity with the Board once a final decision has been made.

Community Representation and Support

  1. A director shall represent the Board and the organization in the community when asked to do so by the Board Chair. Understanding and Continuous Improvement.
  2. A director shall participate in a Board orientation session, orientation to committees, Board retreats and Board education sessions at the expense of the TCPEP
  3. Attend additional appropriate educational conferences in accordance with Board-approved policies if needed at the expense of the TCPEP
  4. Have a good general knowledge of the legal framework within which the TCPEP operates, including legislation, incorporating documents, by- laws and policies
  5. Acquire a good working knowledge of issues and subject matter that pertains to the Board’s business.

Additional Requirements

  1. Travel may be required, and if required, the director shall be entitled to a per kilometer reimbursement at provincial rates.
  2. Access to a computer, printer and the Internet is required.
  3. Ability to take governance or other board training.

Please submit your answered application questions as well as a resume or brief bio to Raelee Rath, Chair of Recruitment Committee Tel. 902-305-0441 or Email [email protected]


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