Center for Innovation in Population Health
Addressing population health challenges through a Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management (TCOM) framework.
We are super excited about this year's?#TCOM?Conference “Lex Go! Pop Health”, and as we get closer, we want to spotlight some of the exciting presentations we have planned for you. Here is another one you do not want to miss!
It’s TCOM! Showing the “Magic” of TCOM
Just as change is constant, so is resistance to any new change. No matter that the change is a good one, we are introducing the “next big idea” that can help make things better. Minds will not change from presenting and telling how good the “next big idea” is. We need to show how good that “next big idea” is.
If you are looking for ideas on engaging reluctant users of the #TCOMtools like #CANS, this is the presentation for you. Participants will be invited to a “live” discussion of the theory of change and strategies based on the CANS ratings of a child welfare case. There will also be a discussion on how such a “live” discussion can be helpful in sustaining interests and motivation in using the CANS.
During the discussion of the case study, participants will have the opportunity to practice using CANS and learn from each other on their clinical applications of the TCOM tools. We will also take this chance to address common resistance to TCOM tools and provide strategies for engaging clients and other stakeholders.
The Learning Objectives?
About Lea Wong
Lea is the Director of Services Case Management at Mother’s Choice. She is deeply passionate about child welfare, being a voice for vulnerable children, and seeing children in?permanent, safe, loving families. Lea was the driving force behind the first self-financed fostering program in Hong Kong called Project Bridge which is helping to build capacity and to change practices in the current foster care system because parenting can be a daunting challenge and needs to be surrounded by a supportive community.?
Lea holds a degree in Social Work and a master's degree in counseling from the University of Hong Kong. Her diverse career spans working in government, NGOs, and the commercial sector. With this wide-ranging experience, she brings a unique blend of compassion and logic and a commitment to alternative care of children and social protection. Her mission is to change practices and measure outcomes for children and families on the edge of care. Lea and her family are an approved foster family and, since 2017, have fostered six children.?
We see lives transformed through the power of hope. There is no such thing as a hopeless case. We believe that everyone deserves a second chance.?
About Saw Han QUAH
Saw Han QUAH is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice in Singapore. For the past 20 years, Saw Han has worked with children, young persons, and their parents in relation to child protection, juvenile crime, and family issues. Prior to private practice, Saw Han worked as a Principal Clinical Psychologist and Assistant Director at a government department dealing with rehabilitation and protection cases. She has many interests: parenting, disabilities, child development and protection, mental health (especially trauma, resilience, and children of mentally ill parents), family therapy, program implementation and evaluation, research, learning and behavior, and burnout-related issues. Saw Han has been a trainer and involved with implementing TCOM tools like CANS (Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths) and FAST (Family Advocacy Support Tool - named as Family and Adult Support Tool in Singapore) for the past ten years.
If you like to learn about this year's conference, and the?tentative schedule?of our program visit the?TCOM Conference?page.
Also, the?Just In Time?registration is now available, but only for a limited time. It gives you access to the full 3-day in-person conference at a 25% discounted rate. So be sure to register today, and join us in helping creating systems that care!
See you all at?#TCOM2023