TCM Cooling Foods for Hot Summer
Xiang Jun Dr Lim
Singaporean-born Doctorate PhD for Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Biomedical Science at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, NTU (SG)
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, all doctors will advise patients to eat warm food. Well, that is because we, as Traditional Chinese Medicine doctors, love heat! Because heat gives the energy for movements. In other words, heat and warmth help with circulation. Once circulation is down, that is when all things get stuck and blocked and illnesses have the chance to brew from there.
However, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is also another philosophy we stand by which is to “conform to the seasons” (顺应四时). This means that in hot summer season, it is actually alright to do activities and take foods that are cooling for the body to balance the energy out. So I will hereby suggest some foods that are cooling in nature that you can eat during the hot summer season (but not for long term!)