#TBT #Throwback #Thursday #ThrowbackThursday; #RealEstate #Equity #Repositioning
.....For #those of #us who Could not #AFFORD to "#BUY" a #Brand #NEW '#Muscle #Car' #MuscleCar in #High #School (Or #better #said, #CHOSE not to!-) had to #BUILD/ #ENGINEER our #own-!:)
The #Oh-#So #Light #Weight "#V-8 #V-#Eight #Vega" (#BKA #Better #Known #As; "#Build-#A-'#Quarter #Mile(r)'; I mean '#Funny #Car'; I mean '#Custom #Muscle Car' in your #Parent (s) #Garage #Project-:)" ?? (#Yeah, THAT'S it!?!?!-:)
-327 #Cubic #Short #Block (#Stock, #Chevrolet Bel Air #BelAir)
-#Bored out #Cylinder(s), #Fabricate(d) and #Oversize(d) #Piston(s) and #Ring(s)
-#Oversized 4-#Coil #Row #Radiator
-#Edelbrock dual quad #intake #Manifold and #Carb Kit
-#Dual/Two in-#line (2) #Four (4) #Barrel #Holly #Carburetor (s)
-#High #Performance Racing /High #Octane #Burn #Spark #Plugs
-#Roll #Cage #RollCage
-2 #inch X 2 inch #Square #Tube (ing) #Over-#Frame
-4:11 (#Four; #Eleven #Ratio #Rear #End from a #Ford #Cougar (No, not THAT #COUGAR??!?!?!-)
-#Cut down #Axle (s) and #re-#spindled to #Fit #under #Flared frame/ #Body
-#Modified Cougar #Tranny (I mean '#TRANSMISSION':) installed B & M #BandM #Shift #Kit.
-High #Pressure Braided Lines
-#Over-#Sized #A-#Arms #Front end #Suspension/ #Bilstein #Gas #Shocks
-Re-#Enforced #Rear-#End and Bilstein Shocks
-#Ladder #Bar (s) on Rear-End (#BKA #Wheelie #Bars & Wheelie #Wheels)
-#Rack and #Pinion #Steer (ing)
-"#Reinforced" #Body #Work; #Fiberglass and #Resin (#UNDER final finish.....)
A #BIG #THANKS to: #Cooks #Machine #Works #CooksMachineWorks w/ #Fabricate (ing)..(MORE "Detail (s) Pending...
#LOVE #MIXING #MUSIC #TDK #Cassette Tapes ??…???? (and just #like another #great “#House” in our fine #Country, is surrounded by a #Moat and Multiple #High #Security Fences ????♂?!-:) #Tape #Mix #Scratch #Transform #Sample #Vinyl; #Post #DJ #Please Pick #Up Your #Phone I’m #on The #Request #Line: https://lnkd.in/gyxA9p-w :?? #BlackstoneGroupLP #reunites #Snoopdogg & #DeathRowRecords #Private #RealEstate #Equity #Repositioning #PrivateEquity #Real #Estate #BrokerDealer(s) #InvestmentBanker(s) #Alternative #Asset #Closeescrow #Infill #Developer #Selling #Selfie #Sales #Sell #i #AM THE #Parade
#Hoffghani #RanchoSantaFe #RSF #SanDiego #CA #California #WestCoast #USA #UnitedStates #America #Repositioning #Technology #Luxury #Career #SecuredCapitalHoldings #CSULB @LBSUAthletics @lbsu_lifting_club #THELBC #GoBeach @LBSUMBB @LBSUTrackXC Facebook.com/LBDirtbags/ https://lnkd.in/gxSvhbY9 https://lnkd.in/dwN8xvzK @SecuredCapitalHoldings @SCHRSF www.facebook.com/schrsfca https://lnkd.in/d9n2AUk6 https://lnkd.in/gJvd4JSZ https://lnkd.in/guFy_fPh https://twitter.com/SCHRSF https://lnkd.in/gqsyfvuf
#From #RealEstate To #Rap #CEO #StephenSchwarzman of #BlackStoneInc https://www.blackstone.com $1,000,000,000,000 (#OneTrillion) #AUM #AssetsUnderManagement #bought, #then #sold #DeathRowRecords to, #invested in, and #Reunited #Snoopdogg & #DeathRowRecords #Private #Equity #PrivateEquity #IS the #Finance #Industry #RanchoSantaFe #DelMar #Institutional #Corporate #Investor #DelMarVillage #RanchoValencia #DelMarTurfClub #CNBCSuperrich #Hermes #Chanel #LouisVatton #GiorgioArmani #Armani #MCM #Givenchy #Dior #LAubergeDelMar #DelMarPlaza #JakesDelMar #Padres #SanDiegoPadres #RogerRoweSchool #MonarchOceanPub #LuxuryRealEstate #LuxuryProperty #RanchoSantaFeReview #Linkedin #Twitter #Instagram #Networking #Financial #Business #Blog #SaddlebackChurch #HorizonChurchRanchoSantaFe; #https://horizon.org/ #HoffAGhani Linkedin.com/in/hoffghani #Zipcode #NineTwoZeroSixSeven #SCHRSF #SFSRSF #RSFLC #SMSRSF #SCMRSF #SCERSF