?? TB Weekly | The Party
Let's keep it simple today?'cause we need some rest.
It was?THE PARTY.?On Thursday we packed Pier01's rooftop?with our favourite ecosystem party, and the result was amazing thanks to all of you. Just take a look:
Big thanks to ACCIó, Port de Barcelona, CaixaBank, AWS, SCCE, 7 Portes, LEVEL Airlines, Estrella Damm, HCLTech, IRIS Venture Builder, HandPoem, Akuaro, Qonto and Semrush for your support.
Esta semana en Tech Barcelona
Advisory Board?|?We met?with the Main and Global Partners of Tech Barcelona to discuss?our achievements during the last 12 months and, more importantly, to plan for the future. Let's keep moving forward?–?corporations, startups, and other public and private organisations.
Visita?|?Mayte Ledo, SE?de Digitalización e Inteligencia Artificial del Gobierno de Espa?a, ha visitado el Pier01 y el Pier07 para conocer nuestro?ecosistema de innovación?y hablar con miembros de la Junta Directiva de Tech Barcelona sobre las oportunidades?de inversión pública en fondos y startups.
Exponential Day 2024?| Assistim a l'Exponential Day 2024, una jornada per reflexionar sobre com podem afrontar la crisi climàtica amb?innovació i disrupció, i on?ACCIó ha reconegut els deu?'Catalonia Exponential Leaders'?d'enguany.
trifermed Awards?| As jury members, we extend our congratulations to the winners of the 8th edition of the Trifermed Awards for Social Impact in Healthcare: Dr. Elena Carreras (Hospital Vall d'Hebron), Nuria Oliver (Fundación ELLIS Alicante), Pere Albajar (WHO's Chagas Disease Control Programme), and Candela (Pulseras Candela). Don't miss the awards ceremony on September 17!
Ha pasado en el ecosistema
Opground |?Member
La startup lanza?Merita, un asistente de IA para empresas de selección de personal y consultoras IT. ?
Mitiga Solutions |?Member
Climate risk prevention startup,?recognised as one of Microsoft’s top 3 Independent Software Vendors?of the Year. ?
Sara Pastor |?Member
La exdirectiva de Twitch y Amazon ficha por DAZN. ?
Nearby Computing
La spin-off del Barcelona Supercomputing Center capta?6,5M€.
Ajuntament de Barcelona |?Institutional Partner
Destinarà 130 milions d’euros al nou 'Pla estratègic de ciència i innovació'.
Catalunya compta amb?375.956 emprenedors i emprenedores?i la xifra seguirà creixent.? ?
No te pierdas...
Para leer el fin de semana