TB Prevention and Elimination Anecdotal Themes From The Communities-2023: TB UNHLM Public Dialogue Outcomes-Part (II)
Tom Muyunga-Mukasa AHA, APHA, APSA
Adaptive Public Health Framework Solutions Advisory
This is a second part of the information note which provides insights into conversations on TB prevention and elimination at grassroots-based/front liner levels. In this part we bring you points numbered 9 to 20.?We hope it will be used to inform policy, programming and planning contributing to the end of TB by 2030.
TB UNHLM Public Dialogue #9
Please join a community in your country that is collecting thoughts to include in the modalities that will inform the 2023 TB UNHLM.
Finding: We talk of TB prevention resources as if all there is has to be shipped in from exotic lands. Yet, we are the untapped or under-tapped resources. The people are here, the products can be deployed and the price of inaction or wrong action, together, contribute to the TB prevention continuum. What is the situation at your end?
Character: TB prevention preparation and readiness
TB UNHLM Public Dialogue #10
Please join a community in your country that is collecting thoughts to include in the modalities that will inform the 2023 TB UNHLM.
Finding: We have to get familiar with what UNHLM on TB, UHC and PPR are and what they mean to our day to day lives. Who is there to make such concepts like meeting venue, agenda, co-facilitators, modalities declaration, multi-stakeholder hearing, further engagement in New York, active participation by the heads of states, meetings attended by delegates, political declaration and ensuring accountability, known by community member to stimulate or spur action? What is the situation at your end?
Character: Unlocking TB prevention coded language
TB UNHLM Public Dialogue #11
Please join a community in your country that is collecting thoughts to include in the modalities that will inform the 2023 TB UNHLM.
Finding: It is true government officials, civil society and country representatives contribute to the TB prevention continuum. But communities are as essential to build an adaptable culture of prevention. What is the situation at your end?
Character: Universalising TB prevention resources
TB UNHLM Public Dialogue #12
Please join a community in your country that is collecting thoughts to include in the modalities that will inform the 2023 TB UNHLM.
Finding: The households, the water-pump repairer, the village drug store operator, the hair-salon operator, the corner grocer-owner, the school-bus driver and the handyman can play key roles which contribute to the TB prevention continuum. What is the situation at your end?
Character: TB and the notion of active, meaningful engagement and participation by the communities
TB UNHLM Public Dialogue #13
Please join a community in your country that is collecting thoughts to include in the modalities that will inform the 2023 TB UNHLM.
Finding: We have to rally around reaching those who are eligible; transform communities to stimulate demand for quality health seeking practices; accelerate service provision; invest in quality life promoting services including well planned and built communities; and commit to sustaining the best-practices. This is what will contribute to the TB prevention continuum. What is the situation at your end?
Character: TB prevention systems and structures
TB UNHLM Public Dialogue #14
Please join a community in your country that is collecting thoughts to include in the modalities that will inform the 2023 TB UNHLM.
Finding: In order to contribute to the TB prevention continuum and unite to end Tuberculosis it is important that we reach the eligible people by diagnosis, treatment and prevention; transform services provision and demand by ensuring equitable, rights-based and people-centered contexts; roll-out essential services; deliberately invest in contexts that stimulate participation in pursuing healthy living goals; and commit through the will to establish and sustain a prevention culture. What is the situation at your end?
Character: TB prevention asks
TB UNHLM Public Dialogue #15
Please join a community in your country that is collecting thoughts to include in the modalities that will inform the 2023 TB UNHLM.
Finding: The global plan toward ending TB includes ensuring diagnosis, treatment, prevention; establishing a rights agenda where communities, their rights and gender are paramount; involve the private sector; anticipatory plans with built-in pandemic preparedness and response (PPR); alignment with UHC, research, development, vaccination, climatic and political crises. This is what will contribute to the TB prevention continuum. What is the situation at your end?
Character: TB prevention equity
TB UNHLM Public Dialogue #16
Please join a community in your country that is collecting thoughts to include in the modalities that will inform the 2023 TB UNHLM.
Finding: The practical web of prevention ensures that there is back and forth communication between countries, co-facilitators, country groups, multi-stakeholder platforms, comprehensible resolution, and coordination. This is what will contribute to the TB prevention continuum. What is the situation at your end?
Character: TB prevention coordination hubs
TB UNHLM Public Dialogue #17
Please join a community in your country that is collecting thoughts to include in the modalities that will inform the 2023 TB UNHLM.
Finding: Create communities of prevention best practices. These will be a voice, they will be intentional, they will pay advocacy forward, effect change through?operationalising the experience of rights, reach, roll-out, commitments, account for investments and leverage response. This is what will contribute to the TB prevention continuum. What is the situation at your end?
Character: TB prevention advocacy
TB UNHLM Public Dialogue #18
Please join a community in your country that is collecting thoughts to include in the modalities that will inform the 2023 TB UNHLM.
Finding: TB is preventable, treatable and curable yet it takes close to 4,000 persons including 700 children every day. We need to demand social justice in the response to TB. ?What is the situation at your end?
Character: TB prevention fault-lines
TB UNHLM Public Dialogue #19
Please join a community in your country that is collecting thoughts to include in the modalities that will inform the 2023 TB UNHLM.
Finding: Do our presidents take TB prevention seriously? Are the priorities, realities and possibilities aligned to save lives? The world moved so fast during the COVID-19 pandemic. It can move that fast in the case of TB. What is the situation at your end?
Character: TB prevention realities
TB UNHLM Public Dialogue #20
Please join a community in your country that is collecting thoughts to include in the modalities that will inform the 2023 TB UNHLM.
Finding: Governments and international structures need to provide spaces in the spheres of influence welcoming communities, CSOs and other actors to catalyse a shifting equilibrium ensuring a TB prevention continuum. What is the situation at your end?
Character: TB prevention communities of practice
We hope you or your organisation can use it as a primer for generating and synthesis of materials to inform modalities for the TB UNHLM 2023.