Taxpayers are not only the ones who are Income Tax payers. Even a beggar pays the GST. Respect the funds of Taxpayers, create the infrastructure.
!. The second phase of covid 19, looks more injurious in India . In all aspects. Come March, the most effected places were Maharashtra, Kerala, and some parts of Karnataka. As per the news. The Doctors on T V said that this strain of COVID 19 is more contagious but not as harmful as it was in the last year. People believe them. We , the Indians believed that we have better immunity. Demonstrated by all the politicians, of all parties, who became so busy in conducting elections in the five most populated states in India. They demonstrated India wonderfully by conducting rallies and drawing crowds in lakhs. Road shows. And Dips in Kumbh went on. News channels went on speaking about the rallies and tallies till the elections continued. Covid was spreading fast. News channels also thought of taking up the matter after the elections are over. They would have better things to display then. COVID 19 was gripping India fast. It started touching the world peak by the end of April. This time we could see persons dying from each larger family. Known friends and relatives. Young and old. COVID 19 continues taking its toll. Ruler is to be blamed. Not the followers.. We were confident that nothing will go wrong. We should continue going without masks, attend rallies. Do everything. We forgot what happened in America and Europe, which had much more resources then us, where people were dying on the roads and the burials were taking a long time. We forgot all those time.
2. Vaccination drive started in India. Initially many leaders declined taking the vaccines. Some even said that we do not trust it. Slowly, but effectively, the vaccinations were given. But with the sudden surge in numbers, the Vaccination schedule, which was earlier for three years had to made immediate. It sounded comfortable. People in India like criticisms, they do not trust the common sense. They like waiting till compelled. Indian mindset needs a change. Now all want to be vaccinated immediately.
3. The test of democracy is ridiculous. Very Ridiculous. Press play an important role. People, who have minds, do not want to apply their minds. Regulations imposed are even broken by the regulators. We just follow those. We like doing so. Politicians say many things. We like trusting when we want to and what we want to. We agree to disagree in everything. We know that they are doing wrong. We also continue doing the same. Creating a huge mess for ourselves. But then blame game continues. On everything.
4. I have been watching the politics with the growth of Pandemic, second wave. After the first wave, India was looking comfortable, as we had the maximum number of recoveries. We survived better then the best nations. Theory of immunity in Indians and Natural Immunity was talked off. But we survived at the cost of economy, developing a good confidence in the world. First time good. Share markets confirmed the sentiments and credentials of India. India rising was looked with an esteem by the world. Good achievement. India Innovated. But we liked cruising and following. Overconfidence. On all. Just watch the sequence of statements of all the opposition as well as the ruling party.
5. It is a known fact that India does not have a good infrastructure. All know about it. All politicians and the administrators. For the names sake there are schools and hospitals in the villages, even in the towns, barring a few, which are run by the Government.. The funding of these Institutions are done by the government and the NGOs. No questions are raised about the funds received by the NGOs and Government. No questions are raised by the taxpayers about the utilization of this infrastructure of the Government funded by them as taxpayers. We are tolerant. After giving a dose of criticisms, we feel happy. That is it.
6. In many of the discussions in the various groups, specially the group of chartered accountants, it is said that all the load of taxes are over the five to six crore Income Tax payers. If we look at the declarations by the government, out of 9.45 Lakh Crores collected as direct Tax in form of Income Tax, 4.47 Lakh crore is corporate tax paid by the companies as corporate taxes. They also contribute to Corporate social Responsibly apart from the donations. 4.88 Lakh crore is personal income tax paid . Collection of Indirect taxes was Rs 10.71 Lakh crores which is collected from each individual by way of GST on usage. If he eats, he pays taxes. He pays taxes for every unit of consumption. Even a beggar is a contributor to the coffers. This is out of the hard earning made by the Indians. It belongs to the people of India, who vested the spending to Government of India on basic Infrastructure, amenities and Safety of the nation. It is seen that whenever needed by the country, all citizens have contributed for the couse apart from this. Citizens are doing their job. They have the right to be regarded for that. We should be proud of the work force which our country has.
7. Now, for the self reliant India to grow with dignity, each work done by an Indian should be respected. May it be a casual laborer, May it be the job of a driver, may it be a local vender running a stall. He is earring his living. If the respect is given to them, then our country can move towards self sufficiency. Indians agreed to leave the subsidy on oil as well as over the cooking gas as well. Without a pinch of pain.
8. The politicians of our country, apart from this ,have divided the population on caste creed and sect. Now disappearing fast. But now the division is by calling poor the poor, demeaning what he is doing. There are many instances, when they offer the poor a monthly free income, which is out of the tax payer’s hard earned money. By giving them free, they are making our work force idle and unproductive. If they need to provide help, they should help them get a job, anywhere, public, private, in small or mini business segments. It would help India.
9. The age wise population of India is as under:
Age Group 25 to 54 Years of Indian Population
1. Source
Indian TOTAL Population LIVE (13.05.2021): 1,39,19,15,000 +
2. Source
Based on above data, % of population in the age group of 25 to 54 = 41.43 % (approx.)
Considering the same percentage on the current live population
Age Group 25 to 54 Years Population: 57,66,70,385
3. Source
35% of population of India is Urban
Age Group 25 to 54 Years URBAN Population (35%): 20,18,34,635
4. Source
Age Group 25 to 54 Years Unemployed Population: NO SUCH DATA AVAILABLE
5. Source
51% of Indian Workforce Self Employed
6. Source
51% of Indian Workforce Self Employed
10. The largest population of the workforce is with India. It is from the age group of 25-54. Whoever is employed, even for an extra leave, the salary is deducted and the HR takes an adverse note his absenteeism. They are the people who donate to the NGOs, who work for the rural development, which is visible in the Televisions. During the times of COVID 19, it is more visible. The officials of these NGOs have costly cars that enjoy all facilities for their travel in the executive class. Where these donations are being used is again a thought for all the people donating.
11. Thus whenever a political announcement is made, that to the unemployed, the government in states would provide some amount on monthly basis, then is that government, in that case, not making a working hand learn idealism? There should be incentive in creation of work. It reminds me of Bhulbhulia made in the city of Lucknow. There was a severe drought in Lucknow. At that time, the Maharaja gave employment to all the kisans, for the construction. Everyday some construction was done, and at night, some of the construction so done was , was demolished. The persons working were paid, and after the day, the were able to live happily. The drought continued for several years, and so did the work. Then finally when the drought was over, the wonderful monument called Bhulbulia emerged. The Minister asked the King, that why did he get this made. He could have paid these persons, in a regular way. The King replied, “ The working force should not forget working.” Great words. Nation is always ready for the difficult times, but the greed should not persist. There is nothing free even at home.
12. The war in politics, is not for the creating the amenities. War is for the handling of this public money. For this the asset of India, which is the work force, is ignored.
13. Assets of India are the people of India. Young people of India, who can just work wonders, if properly appreciated and motivated. It is important to make India a proud nation in the eyes of the world. We should nopt let the work potential of the people whither away. Example is Punjab, which has the minimum number of beggars. It is needed that we should respect the work of all and provide dignity. It is seen that the donations take away the dignity and worth of the donee.. Is it wise to make a worker of the nation, a dependent personality? That person has the capability to earn, is it right to make him idle?
14. If at all, the political parties, wish to give these free donations to the people, then they have huge political funds with them, which they use in the massive gatherings. This can be funded from their corpus. Why waste the tax payer’s money for that. Those people who are being paid without working, they also contribute in paying taxes by way of GST. The nation needs the respect and accountability.
15. We have elected people to serve the nation. People of our country pay taxes for the development of the nation. If this would have been done, we would not have been into this crisis at all. Once it was stated, that the elected representatives, should only be treated and taught in the government hospital of that area and their children should compulsorily study in those government schools. This should also apply for the government officials. Then only the things would improve.
Jai Hind. Id Mubaraq and happy akshya Tritya.
Principal Managing Partner at O.P Jalan & Associates Consultants LLP
3 年There are two very outstanding comments on this article. they mentioned it not to name them, but then permitted to post their contents verbatim: 1st." Very well analyzed thought provoking article..this is the feeling of each and every taxpayer and sensible citizen. the real challenge is how and what is the way for people to control the elected rulers who become autocratic and do all whimsical things armed with the full control over the pillars of democracy. If the answer is to punish in next elections, then it is a known fact as to what happened iin the last 6 decades. all those then have failed us. whosoever at the helm of power. did all whimsical things. Fleeced all PSUs and brought them to the level of condemned loss making units. sold them at peanuts. the real control needs to be brought in on real time actionable basis. but none in the country governace show any such workable solutions.. And everything comes down to thesociety values, ethics , where we might be at the bottom considering how lifesaving drugs, oxygen, etc were blatantly blackmarketed. it is so frustrating." 2. ( It is from USA). "We have faced a bigger crisis then you Indians. Thanks to Donald Triumph, who could expose clearly that the Whos who of this bloody Virus born in Wuhan. It is the biological war, which has been waged by China. Beneficiaries are only the Pharmaceutical Companies. New caliberations of World politiics and warfare is going to come out. Do not be so naive. At least your Prime Minsiter has a metal to admire your counrty. Otherwise, India would hav begging for all the amnities. Whatever said and done about oour past President, He clearly mentioned COVID 19 to be a birhtchild and a weapon of war started by the china and supported by the Vaccinating Companies. If you look at the second wave in India, in your earlier article you blamed Kumbh and the electons. it started from Maharashtra and Kerala. Nobody from there went ot Kumbh or no body was in elections there. Why cannot the people of your country understand things. Sheer wastage of Taxpayers fund is not even acceptable in our country. But that is being done now." Both these messages are thought provoking as these are not from the common person. They cannot post their comments on the social media.
Senior Independent Beauty Consultant & Partner at Shians by Malini Jain
3 年Well said