NOwTAX - Movement for Real Tax Reform That Protects Our Life, Liberty and Individual Sovereignty!
Taxes... and Your Business
Taxes Suck... but think about it? How did we get here, and where do they come from... Income taxes are just wrong... I can give you many reasons why. Property taxes are immoral... in America you can never own your property...What? That's right you have a permanent morage to the state... I don't curise often but WTF... we cannot own property in the good ole U.S.?
So how do we fix this problem...simple live in states like Texas, or Florida... no income tax (but they are still plagued with Property Tax)... Sales tax's fix every thing... yeah the old simple pay as you go tax... the toll booth to life.... no forms, no filings, no deductions, no special interest... are you kidding, someone should through of this a long time ago... check out this cool site Check out the ultimate tax