Taxes Are What We Pay For A Civilized Society
How many of you have heard this saying touted by Progressives? It's been repeated ad nauseum as if it was the lost 11th Commandment.
But ask them WHO said it and more importantly WHEN? I bet most won't be able to answer.
The quote was said by Supreme Court Justice Oliver Holmes back in 1927. And ironically now those words are now on the Internal Revenue Service headquarters in Washington D.C.
For starters, here is what the tax rates were in 1927 for filing in 1928. First the HIGHEST marginal tax bracket was 25%. That was on income above $100,000 (inflation adjusted for 2022 about $1.6 million now). Median salary was under $1,000 a YEAR at the time. So the median worker only paid 1.5%-3% of their salary to Uncle Sam.
And here's the kicker. In 1927 Federal tax revenue was only $4 BILLION (not Trillion) and spending was under $3 Billion which led to a SURPLUS of over $1 billion. GDP was around $104 Billion from what I could find and the Federal Debt, only about $18 billion. And that year the debt was actually CUT by a BILLION!
So now, fast forward almost a century to 2022 and where are we at? Well, at the time of this writing, the US Debt Clock is solidly past $30.5 TRILLION dollars or about 133% of GDP (for context, I am 39 and in 1983 it was "only" $1.3 Trillion and about 37% of GDP.)
Now I feel like a late night infomercial: But WAIT, there's MORE!!
Last year, Uncle Sam ran a deficit $2.77 trillion. Ok, I'll give a little credit, it WAS down from $3.13 trillion in 2020.
Now, how many times have you heard that if the rich just pay their "fair share" all the government's woes would go away?
For the moment, let's pretend that no NEW spending is being proposed be it Build Back Better, Build Better Butter, Build Back Butter Better or whatever clever name Uncle Joe uses next.
According to Forbes, the richest 400 people in the US (you know, the 'evil' people that Bernie and AOC can't stand) have a collective net worth of $4.5 trillion. Provided there would be no shock to market prices, liquidating the entire net worth of these 400 people would fund the government for about 365 days.
Or would cover the 2020 and MOST of the 2021 budget deficit.
OR, would pay about 15% of the current national debt. That's it.
Then what? Well, remember I said "there's more?"
We haven't even gone into unfunded liabilities (basically promises that the government has made) which basically center around Social Security and Medicare. Go back to the Debt clock and you will see total unfunded liabilities at $169 TRILLION dollars. The entire GLOBAL GDP for 2021 was only $94 trillion.
As you can see, math isn't progressives' friend, nor for most conservatives. The game plan has been the same since the days of FDR. Make promises of new programs that will solve everything, raise taxes and take on more debt. Repeat, but bigger next time, each time.
Honestly, I wouldn't be opposed to new taxes to pay down our debt and balance the budget. But from Warren's Ultra-Millionaire Tax Act or AOC's 70% tax all new tax proposals are simply to pay for....NEW SPENDING!!
No taxes are NOT the price we pay for a civilized society.
Taxes are what we pay for decades of decisions by incompetent politicians that don't have to deal with the consequences.
To Your Wealth And Freedom