Taxes, business friendliness, and City Council size discussed by Chamber in presentation to Mayor's Committee (Murray KY)
JOHN WRIGHT - Murray Ledger & Times

Taxes, business friendliness, and City Council size discussed by Chamber in presentation to Mayor's Committee (Murray KY)

Business friendliness was a consistent theme at the Wednesday Mayor's Committee to Review Needs, Expenditures, and Revenue Sources meeting. Three organizations (Tourism, Economic Development, and the Chamber of Commerce) discussed the future of Murray KY, what their organizations are doing, and how they view its growth.

The Chamber presented on business friendliness, tax reform discussion/concerns, and diminishing the city council size; among other items. All with input from business leaders, Chamber members, and stakeholders. The presentation condensed recent survey results down to five themes while attaching four components of success to each of the recommendations listed it its executive summary.

The Survey Results of Business in Murray

The first topic was covered a recent survey that engaged 655+ Chamber members and businesses of the Chamber of Commerce. Results included thoughts on the future growth of Murray and business feedback. Full unedited results can be viewed here.

Top 3 Survey Takeaways

  1. The City of Murray is becoming more business friendly, and quickly; it should continue to be improved.
  2. More people are recommending to others to do business or locate a business to Murray KY.
  3. Taxing models and funding priorities are at odds with each other.

The Recommendations and Themes on the growth of Murray KY

The Chamber crafted an executive summary with recommendations and themes that covered taxes, small business support, City Council size, and many other areas. This summary was built from survey input, along with feedback from the board of directors, investors, stakeholders, and staff. Along with those recommendations, four components of success were attached to each.

  1. Requires Funding
  2. Public Policy
  3. Partnership
  4. Awareness

What's Next?

The Mayor's Committee will continue to meet and engage in discussion on the future growth of Murray and how to best prepare for those possibilities.


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