Tax Tip Tuesday - Florida's Property Tax System

Tax Tip Tuesday - Florida's Property Tax System

We wanted to leave you with one last Tax Tip Tuesday article in 2024 and what better topic to dive into than our property tax system.

Florida’s Property Tax System cycle starts every year on January 1 when Property Appraisers in Florida determine the assessed value of each parcel of property in their respective counties.

Three months later, on March 1, applications for exemptions, like homestead, that can reduce property taxes are due to the?Property Appraiser.

Between March and July, there’s a flurry of activity as Property Appraisers certify the total taxable value of all the properties in the county. That information is then shared with the local taxing (also known as levying) authorities (i.e., County Commission and City Councils) to set proposed millage rates.

In August, Property Appraisers mail the Notices of Proposed Property Taxes (TRIM notices) to all property owners. These notices are not bills, but instead provide information about the value of a property, approved exemptions, and the amount that will be owed based on the proposed millage rates. If you have a question about your values or exemptions, now is the time to ask the Property Appraiser.

From September– early October, local taxing authorities hold public meetings to gather input before voting on a final millage rate. A list of public hearing dates, times, and locations are listed on your TRIM notice.

Once that process is complete, the Property Appraiser certifies the tax rolls and sends them?to the Tax Collector who is statutorily responsible for printing and mailing the tax bills by November 1. (You can also?download your tax bill or sign up to have it emailed to you directly.)

Your annual taxes are determined using the following calculation:

  • Your property value minus any exemptions, equals the taxable value of your home.
  • The taxable value is multiplied by the millage rates set by taxing authorities to determine your Ad-Valorem Taxes.
  • The Ad-Valorem Taxes are added to the Non-Ad Valorem assessments like storm water or solid waste, which are based on services, not the value of your property. The combined total determines your annual taxes.

Tax payments are due on March 31, but if you pay early, you receive a discount. Taxes paid in November receive a 4% discount, December is a 3% discount, January is 2% and February is 1%.

Once tax payments are received, the Tax Collector is responsible for distributing the dollars to the taxing authorities to pay for services like fire and rescue, law enforcement protection, schools, roads, utilities, and parks.

Come January, the cycle starts all over again!?


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