Tax Changes Moving Quickly in DC Today
Julio Gonzalez
The Most Interesting Man in Tax ... AccountingToday’s Top 100 Most Influential People in Accounting. #Philanthropist #SerialEntreprenuer #GonzalezFamilyOffice #TaxGoat?? #TaxRecoveryExperts
Things are moving fast in DC this morning
The White House has released the “details” of the budget reconciliation framework deal that was announced this morning.?See two brief documents attached.?The following charts sum up the framework.?Note there are no increases in marginal tax rates, no changes to estate and gift taxes, no changes to the 199A pass-through deduction, and no changes to carried interest.?Since this is a framework things could still be fluid, but if these issues were to be included it’s likely they would be listed.???
?It is unclear whether all Democrats have bought into this framework and whether this framework is sufficient for Progressives to agree to proceed with a vote on the BIF.?As we have been predicting in our updates, the President needed to at least have a framework in hand before the G20 and COP 26 conferences for which he is leaving today to maintain credibility with his international counterparts on the OECD agreement and emissions goals.
?Offsets – Estimates, Subject to Confirmation
$ billion 15% Corporate Minimum Tax on Large Corporations 325
Stock Buybacks Tax125
Corporate International Reform to Stop Rewarding Companies That Ship Jobs and Profits Overseas 350
AGI Surcharge on the Top 0.02% 230
Close Medicare Tax Loophole for Wealthy 250
Limit Business Losses for the Wealthy 170
IRS Investments to Close the Tax Gap 400
Prescription Drugs: Repeal Rebate Rule 145
Up to a Total of: 1995
$ billion
Child Care and Preschool 400
Home Care 150
Child Tax & Earned Income Tax Credits 200
Clean Energy and Climate Investments 555
ACA Credits, Including in Uncovered States 130
Medicare Hearing 35
Housing 150
Higher Ed and Workforce 40
Equity & Other Investments 90
Total 1750
Immigration 100
summary provided by K&L Gates
4Site Strategy Finance & Leadership
3 年Therein lies the problem !!!! Hastily made or proposed #TaxChanges can #impair the #economy short & long term #Economic #warfare intented to seize, confiscate and transfer #privateproperty and #individualwealth