Tax and Accounting Compliance within the Online Gaming Sphere!!

Tax and Accounting Compliance within the Online Gaming Sphere!!

How it Started in CGST ACT

?SCHEDULE III of the CGST Act contains “Activities or Transactions which shall be treated neither as a Supply of Goods nor a Supply of Services

Old Para 6 of SCHEDULE III =Actionable claims, other than lottery, betting and gambling

New Para 6 of SCHEDULE III=Actionable claims others than except Specified Actionable Claim

?This means Specified Actionable Claim will comes under perview of GSTExamples of Actionable claim-(1) betting (ii) casinos (iii) gambling (iv) horse racing (v) lottery or (vi) online money gaming

?This way all Gaming Industries were entered in preview of GST

? Now there wont be game of skill for online gaming industries ie no benfit of 18%



