Radha Bonnie McChristy
February 19 · Rivanna, VA
Although most people find the taste of redox molecules bland and mild, others may initially report an unpleasant taste or the taste of chlorine.
As we continue to consume redox molecules, our experience of the taste evolves. The perceived flavor shifts toward being more water-like. This happens when redox molecules are replenished within our olfactory lobes and other tissues. Our own body chemistry begins to approximate an optimal equilibrium of 8 reductant redox molecules paired with 8 oxidant redox molecules. On a cellular level, this reflects the healthy balance that redox molecules help us regain.
Redox molecules trigger an olfactory sensation relative to the extent to which our internal chemistry is DEFICIENT in redox molecules. Some people can detect the presence of hydrogen peroxide, for example, 1 of 16 redox molecules. This “taste” is actually a smell, via olfactory sensation, and usually indicates an imbalance in our own body chemistry.
Redox molecules are made using water (H2O) that has been highly purified by both reverse osmosis and distillation. The pure water is then combined with pure salt (NaCl) before undergoing a patented process that oxidizes and reduces the saline into the final atomically restructured liquid.
During processing, most of the chloride ions are integrated into redox molecules.
Sodium ions are not affected and help to maintain electrical neutrality.
Hydrogen and oxygen also contribute to the formation of redox molecules, but most of the water forms a matrix of clusters around the active redox molecules and ions. This micro-clustering further contributes to stability and electrical neutrality.
The result is no longer a saline solution; no longer salt and water. It is a balanced buffet of redox molecules. The raw materials have been completely transformed.
Some people ask why redox molecules are not listed under “Ingredients” on the label. When we look at the ingredients on a loaf of bread, we might see flour, water, sugar, oil, yeast, but nowhere on the ingredients list does it say “bread”. The raw ingredients are listed, not the final product. It’s the same with redox molecules. The beginning ingredients are salt and water. The finished product is something very different.
SODIUM CONTENT: Typically, adults consume an average of 4,000 mg of sodium daily. Sodium-restricted diets may aim for 1,500 mg. One piece of whole wheat bread contains 210 mg of sodium. 4 oz (a typical daily amount) of redox molecules contain 123 mg of sodium.
SAFETY & ASSIMILATION: Redox molecules are “transparent” to pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals. They do not interfere with or conflict with anything else you are eating or taking. Our internal organs do not need to metabolize them. They are assimilated, like water, through simple diffusion.
The Redox Molecules are composed of just 4 or fewer tiny atoms and are essentially the size of H2O molecules.
They have been proven 100% safe.
Robertson Ward, MD FAAFP
Reposted by:
James Eckburg