Tarrask Malware Quick Check (PS)

Tarrask Malware Quick Check (PS)

Microsoft Exposes Evasive Chinese Tarrask Malware Attacking Windows Computers.

Enumerate your Windows environment registry hives looking in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree registry hive and identify any scheduled tasks without SD (security descriptor) Value within the Task Key. Perform analysis on these tasks as needed.


Powershell Quick Check



This Powershell script get the security descriptor for all or defined scheduled tasks.?


Windows uses the SD value on tasks under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree to manage security.?

By default, this script will display the SDDL on all tasks.?

This script accepts 1 parameters.

-taskname??The name of a scheduled task.?


./Detect-Tarrask-Malware.ps1 -taskname "My task"??



([string]$taskname = "")

if ($taskname -eq ''") {

'No task name specified.'

'SDDL for all tasks will be displayed.'


$wmisdh = new-object system.management.ManagementClass Win32_SecurityDescriptorHelper?

$subkeys = Get-childitem "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree"

foreach ($key in $subkeys) {

if ($taskname -eq ''")?



$task = Get-ItemProperty $($key.name).replace("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE","HKLM:")

$sddl = $wmisdh.BinarySDToSDDL( $task.SD )?


if ($sddl['SDDL'] -ne $Null)


Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGreen -BackgroundColor White "Safe - SDDL Entry found"

} else {

Write-Host -ForegroundColor red -BackgroundColor White "Critical - Non SDDL Entry found"





????if ($key.PSChildName -eq $taskname)?




??????$task = Get-ItemProperty $($key.name).replace("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE","HKLM:")

??????$sddl = $wmisdh.BinarySDToSDDL( $task.SD )?


?????? if ($sddl['SDDL'] -ne $Null)


Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGreen -BackgroundColor White "Safe - SDDL Entry found"

} else {

Write-Host -ForegroundColor red -BackgroundColor White "Critical - Non SDDL Entry found"





$EventId = 4698

$log = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable @{Logname = "Security" ; ID = $EventId} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

$val = $log.Count

??if ($val -eq 0)?


????$Compliant = $true


??if ($val -ne 0)


????$Compliant = $false


If ($Compliant -eq $true)


Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGreen -BackgroundColor White "Safe - Non Event ID 4698 found in Security Log"




Write-Host -ForegroundColor red -BackgroundColor White "Critical - Event ID 4698 found in Security Log"


Your Result should display Safe* for each Task...

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