Tario Fuller II is a class act. What a great person!

This is how real men act.

The 2-year-old stood in front of a row of dolls, she stopped and stared at the last blonde one on the shelf. Before the question "can I?" could leave her mouth, a young man walked over and knelt down next to her.

He asked which one was her favorite. She pointed, "I really lub dis one." The teen chuckled and walked off with the doll.

Disappointed that her doll of choice was now out of sight, she turned to ask her mom where the "dolly" was. Her mother assured her there would be more.


A few minutes later, the young stranger returned to the aisle with the doll.


He took it out of a bag, handed Kinley's mom a receipt and told the little girl to "have a very happy birthday."


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