Target_is_New - Issue #96
Iskander Smit
Future studies at Target_is_New, founder Cities of Things Foundation, organiser ThingsCon
[repost of the weekly newsletter; subscribe here for the email-versions]
In this weeks newsletter a short overview on what happened last week and is expected coming week and an overview on some interesting reads.
Why is the newsletter called 'Target_is_new’ you might wonder? Next to the reference to the HTML-code, the short reason is that my blog has that name since 2005. In my first post I had a very short explanation: “this blog is not about me, but about the things I found remarkable as 'new’ in any way”. In that sense it of course about me too, as it is very subjective. And the 'urge’ to look at the new is definitely something that is a habit of mine. However, I am also critical on stuff that is new without added value. I once started a separate Tumblr for these ’complicators’ (never became a habit and not updated lately). So new is not a goal in itself, not a target in that sense maybe, but being curious to the new and the impact it might unlock remains the leading theme, so for now I keep that title.
On with this week’s newsletter. As we are now all used to the online meeting rituals I will not reflect on these except if I used a new tool or new format. Last week I was invited in an expert session 'Digitalisering en mobiliteit’ of RLI, “the primary strategic advisory board for the Dutch government and parliament in matters relating to the physical environment and infrastructure”. A good session in GoToMeeting (new for me, worked fine) and a rather formal procedure which (again) proved valuable to get the most of a meeting with more than 10 people I think.
Another I attended was the new webinar format of INFOstudio in Highrise with about 60 people where 3 of my INFO-collaegues shared our way of working with (strategic) service design. If you are interested, this Thursday another session is organised on scalable tech.
This week I will check out this DLD Sync session with Scott Galloway. It is nice benefit of these online times you can attend easily events that would cost a lot as part of conferences.
Are you a maker from home? We are planning an event with ThingsCon on June 5. More details next week I expect!
And below some interesting news items (in my opinion). Let me start by sharing my favorite sources here weekly. This week I like to point to Sentiers by Patrick Tanguay, one of my constant sources of reflective articles.
Let's start with 'other news'...
The Nooscope Manifested: AI as Instrument of Knowledge Extractivism
“AI as Instrument of Knowledge Extractivism” A beautiful visualisation of the AI principles. I am looking forward reading the essay.
I missed this Chinese remake (interpretation) of the Boston Dynamics dog. A quick search indicates a living dog is about 1000 euros a year, so for 10k this is not too bad :)
Researchers Uncover Novel Way to De-anonymize Device IDs to Users' Biometrics
I’m not surprised. We always focus to much on personal data as privacy danger while capturing meta data on people and behavior is much more telling. Or biometics…
And continue with other but related news...
Exam anxiety: how remote test-proctoring is creeping students out
“As schools and exams go remote, instructors are turning to remote proctoring services to catch cheaters. But students say the process is creepy, invasive, and rife with security risks.”
Every new communication technology started of with a set of ‘etiquettes’. Netiquettes, chatiquette, and now we need zomyquettes (ok that sounds terrible)…
Sander has the talent to create and execute appealing strong ideas especially as there is an AR angle…
‘Breathable’ Electronics Pave the Way for More Functional Wearable Tech
Some years ago we experimented a lot with close to skin wearable devices (TaSST) and the comfort was indeed not ready for real market entry. This is an interesting development: “Stretchable electronic material can ‘breath’ – making it more comfortable for users.”
Wearables like these can contribute a lot in our physical distancing society and bring some relief in the social distancing…
Not sure if I shared these kind of initiatives before, but I think it is interesting how DJs are now doing streaming sets on Instagram and Tiktok experimenting with all kind of strange effects. Often direct via DJ channel, but here is a party organiser offering streaming experiences.
Smart car device Automatic shuts down: blames the pandemic - Stacey on IoT
It is not totally certain that Covid is the reason for Automatic to become into troubles, seems to early to be able to draw that conclusion. It will be very well possible that the weaker performing services will use this moment to pull the plug… Or better said; cut the wire, as it is bricking the devices linked to the services…
Move over, Zoom. This magic interface is the future of videoconferencing
I think this heading is not correct as this form factor of a window over a screen has nothing to do with the software of Zoom. The demo is using a Zoom like interaction even.
At the same time it feels rather differently and create a more natural distance nearness… Interesting.
And how about life after corona?
“We need to be imagining worlds that resist singular or monolithic ways of valuing life, that question the logics of extraction and transaction, and that make possible a multiplicity of ways of living together.”
I know Taylor from a paper on machine intelligence and in this Corona related post he argues to “create conditions for sociotechnical relations and multispecies relations”
“The internet was never meant to be a self-contained space — it is an augmented reality, not a virtual one — and humans can’t live entirely within it.” What does this lens mean for the post corona times?
Big Tech After the Coronavirus: All Power, No Accountability?
Sharp column of Swisher as ever. The tech giants are bouncing back the a V-curve recession and take more space than ever….
plastique fantastique's 'isphere' face shield reminds of 50s sci-fi comics
I was wondering why we all focus so much on the mouth masks. Why not going for transparent ‘helmets’ that leave much more open for visual connection… Funny enough in this weeks Designboom newsletter a couple examples were featured, more than the mouth mask designs.
In case you are into building scenarios for the New Normal, this expanding twitter-thread can give you some inspiration….
The Coronavirus and Our Future
Can we come out of this crisis with more focus on society instead of individuals?
“What felt impossible has become thinkable. The spring of 2020 is suggestive of how much, and how quickly, we can change as a civilization.”
Thanks for reading! Stay healthy and till next week.