Welcome back, once again. It's a pleasure to have you all here; with us today. Another sleepless night, and another amazing article for all of you here in the real world of Web 3.
I could not be any happier, to be delivering these up to the minute exclusives to all of you. Dive into the depths of world wide business. If you leave me here.. I will create an online University out of my magazine.
You have been warned.
Please never forget to have fun.
Getting inflation back to target? What? I am here only to do business. I am an entrepreneur.?
I even changed that format. Why limit the title scroll, to only a phrase? That was so FUTURE TECH PLUS 2023. We are in 2024. And now, I am officially asking for $950,000,000.00 Euros.
The following price increase will be May 1, 2024. The bid will increase automatically to $1.456 Billion.?
And its limited. Not like any offer made before. Remember. I am a pupil of Marcus Limones. My first deal, is always my best.?
So moving on from the highest level of in’professionalism; I have ever seen. I am going to run laps around you in my Tuatara Aggressor. Literally, and in business; where it counts. I apologize for being an, un’cool; time traveler. My bad. I am focused now.?
FUTURE TECH PLUS will be my twitter. I promised to bring you all along on this negotiation. We are all in; NFT’s. Get it? Lol. Don’t be so dry. Its just words that are worth Trillions and Trillions of dollars; long term. The same way that anything of value; functions. As you know by now. Now; rookies allowed. God bless everyone.
I have to bring my best to the entire field. I have been light years ahead in business for a clear reason. My education. My training. My experience and my discipline. It takes hard work. Nothing else has to be made clear. Think about it? What else is there??
This is a mother fucking business. Nike? I get it. Now we are in the same business; together. Unlike you; I am Michael Jordan inside my brand. By the way. I like the prototype design. I have brought them on tour. I will test these in my daily workouts; hard-body. I’ll? let you know what my quality rating is.?
No bullshit.?
We can either do business. Or, we can do business. Just please: “Don’t waste my motherfucking time.” I’ll be in your offices, so we can negotiate in person.?
What are the market changes? Asia. Blackrock. That is the final frontier.?
Two good stock picks that I just found; that inspired me. 500% growth in less than 27 days? All. The. Inspiration; that I, need.?
This is my point exactly. World wide tour. I have the music, and the technology. I own the entire catalog. That is the most important concept. Like I have stated. My investment style is based on my own unique personality. So I value the unique way in which I view the universe.?
So let’s put this into perspective. Direct to consumer entertainment. I handle all aspects of it; my self. I am not only the entrepreneur; I am also the artist. A very deadly combination. NFT technology allows me to go directly to consumer; while protecting all of my rights. Thus providing, a higher value on everything that I do. It cuts out, all of the bullshit. It simplifies everything.?
Like the examples, we have discussed earlier; I will always protect my artist. All of the ideas, that I had in the past; have only returned in a magnified capacity. New concepts like my digital real estate developments; of my oasis. I spell mine with a Y, like my Lamborghini Sian 63.?
Green. For the Green Ranger.?
All of the global markets revolve around Asia and the Pacific. Exactly where my corporate offices are. There is no need to reinvent the wheel here. This is all simple, basic mathematics. I can not do, future business; with entities still focused on the past. Or any previous, achievements. Even my business partners for the tour, have been surprised; based on their own stipulations. The dates have changed and now I will control the entire process.?
Fair? This is business.?
No training wheels. You either get it or you don't. I am not here to babysit anyone. My catalog is worth a lot of mountains of gold and Bitcoins. I am not interested in anything less; than, that. I will never negotiate below one red penny, below full market value.?
All figures will be based on true market propensity; and nothing else.?
Elon Musketeer is not taking anything less; why the fuck should I??
Jeff Bezos. Either you see the vision; or you don’t. Either you get it; or you just don’t; baby. There are no training wheels in the future. Talk all the shit about Apple; now. See what I mean? I am Steve Jobs; in life.?
Please, help me understand what exactly it is that you don’t understand? I am already moving onto, motion pictures, films, series, and live events online; arenas etc. Video games are a natural following, plus monthly subscription services. We already have all publishing in place, both analog and digital. Scores and soundtracks are coming back, like vinyls and CD’s/ CDR/ Blueray/HD’s.
We have been at the forefront of technology since day one. No other artist or record label has a bigger NFT catalog. Period.?
Period. Period.?
Opensea. To Rarible.?
Owner of Polygon/ Matic. Who owns more of its digital real estate than me? Get. Your. Mind. Right.?
Music catalog: 5,000 in negotiations. Not including anything else; inside my complete investment portfolio. What are the avenues?
Blackrock. Blackstone. Christie's or Sotheby’s. Everyone else is out. Including every-other company that has not been specifically been mentioned.?
Online store? Yes.
We accept Bitcoin. Anything more that we should explain? We will have a training website, so that the general public can know, how we are able to establish our market value; daily just like an ETF. All transparent and for the public to see.?
You are all of my stock holders. I give the value to? my portfolio; through my devotions to you. Quality above everything. We can not be convinced with material trinkets. This is a multi trillion dollar operation here. We are in every single business, that is relevant to date.?
Now. Remember that we are only here, to do business. This is all simple. We want to do business with any brand whom is willing to grow to the quantum level. We are not interested in anything below a 45%? growth. If you are a billion dollar company and your aim is not to get to two or three billion; don’t waste your time.?
We do not want to talk to you.?
We are not interested.?
Your lack of growth, will hinder us; long term.?
That; we will never allow. This entire company was built on what I learned; personally. I took a stand on the business side of things. And I stuck to my guns; 30 years later. I am still here.?
No other artist comes close. The block chain will give me instant verification. No longer is Guinness World Records; viable. No longer do I need to waste two years dealing with inconsistencies. No longer will I waste my time chasing plastic people who, are? more like cardboard.?
No disrespect to wet cardboard; intended.?
No boxes were hurt during the writing of this article.?
So what are we doing here? We are making things very clear. In the future; do not complain about how? I treat all of your investments. You will deserve everything that is on the horizon.?
I am still building. This is only the beginning. This is day one. This is project one. This is release one. Imagine release one trillion. I am a time traveler; for real.?
I know the value of my catalog today, and in a trillion years from now.?
And that is all we have to say.?
So. To all of you out there. Please continue to carry? out your agendas. I will continue to smoke you? in business. Each and every single day. After all; I am the Green Power Ranger.?
You can not win; without me.?
I love what a beautiful young lady CEO, said. “We can turn profitable, at any point of time”.?
Get it??
I agree.?
The world has opened up to me and my entire portfolio. Every day is a new negotiation. We read every single email. I personally answer every call. I write every proposal; myself. I allow my lawyers to finalize all legalities in their respective jurisdictions.?
I also develop the music and all of my other investments; myself. I have a family. I have beautiful children. I have a philanthropic foundation. I do alot of charity works, and I am at the forefront of education. I am also from Harlem and the Bronx.?
My Momma, didn't raise no fool.?
This is just a quick briefing. Stay tuned. I will bring you all along with me. Certain things, I have to reserve because companies try to steal ideas, for intellectual properties etc. I have to educate you all, while still protecting all of my own investments. It should not be like that. But, business is war.?
In one speech, by a company CEO. The young lady spoke about how she was a 20 year veteran in her field. I have been in the music business for more than that. How often do you hear a musician doing a Ted Talk about; their 30 years of experience. Nobody can tell me anything about the music business, or augmented entertainment. This has been my life and my catalog shows that.?
The reason is simple. None of them know business how I do. None of them have my experience. I laugh at their theories. Daily.?
I also know how they operate. I created my own lane. I am not influenced or affected by their obsolete system.? I deal in all future technology. The past, only exists, in the mind. I have no reason to look past one millisecond ago.?
Once again. I am happy Warner Bros was that stupid. Blackrock is my new best friend. The same goes with Nifty Gateway. They are about to get smoked by an auction house. Smh. See what I mean??
After Corona Virus; these specialties started to write their own set of rules. Well sorry. The world of technology does not function in the way; you intended. It has its own mythic and groove.?
Another amazing thing is, that things change daily. They only ? thing; all these morons are effective at, is stalling things. They rather have the power to slow things down, instead of getting new innovative things done. This is their strategy, to protect their investors, on the kick back end. Silly rabbits.?
Why not make good business deals, and grow and expand your portfolio that way? Way!
I had to pray and meditate; to finally realize that this broken system was broken from day one. Why this illusion of complexity? This is all simple shit. Wait until my portfolio hits the market. My? investments will run laps, around anything that they even try, to do.?
I am out of their league.?
So we are playing hardball, from this point forward. I can secure all, of my own; financing. You? want me to build my own infrastructure? Consider it? done.?
Ladies and gents; we will return soon.?
My best move is always my next.?
Check. Mate. Mate?!
Venom R.