The TARDIS: The newest item in the mediator’s toolbox
Gregory Hunt
In ADR: Mediator, Head of Mediator Training Faculty at Hunt ADR, 'No Disputing That' Podcast Host and Guest Lecturer at the University of Exeter | In AI: Avatar Innovator, Content Creator
I’m a real Doctor Who nut. I’ve loved it forever, and whilst the latest series hasn’t quite hit the mark yet, the good thing about an average start is that there is plenty of scope for improvement.
I’ve always thought the Doctor would make a good mediator. The fact she always looks for the good in people (and aliens) added to the fact that she inherently hates violence (admittedly based on the back of being a mass murderer of sorts) leans towards the Doctor looking to facilitate the resolution of conflict by peaceful means wherever possible.
There is another huge correlation between Doctor Who and mediation – and it is the TARDIS. For those readers who for some unknown reason do not know what the TARDIS is (does such a person exist?), it is the Doctor’s time machine. TARDIS is an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension in Space.
It is the greatest piece of machinery of all time. It beats the DeLorean used in my favourite film, Back to the Future, as the TARDIS has a soul. It lives, it isn’t just a time machine.
There are two specific qualities possessed by the TARDIS which are relevant to mediation. The first is obvious. If you were a mediator with a time machine you could take the parties back in time to the exact point where the dispute arose, and work with them to rectify the things that went wrong so you could settle the dispute in the 'real' world.
Imagine being able to take a party back to the exact point where they DID say what they maintain they didn’t say. Or you could take the parties back to the exact point five years ago that a member of staff (who has since left the business) accidentally signed off on the wrong set of drawings which led to a dispute over design five years later.
Likewise, you could take them to the future and show them what would happen if they don’t settle at mediation. They could see a world where their business does not exist anymore or where they are struggling to trade because of the negative publicity that litigation did bring. Or maybe they can see that by accepting the offer on the table the promise of a new contract did materialise, and they have now grown to a size which they never thought possible. The scenarios are limitless.
The mediator tooled up with the TARDIS would be fully booked for the rest of time.
The other way the TARDIS relates to mediation is the whole “Wow, it’s far bigger on the inside…” revelation as soon as anyone new steps inside. Again, for those who don’t know this, the TARDIS is far bigger on the inside. Far far bigger. On the outside it is an old-fashioned police telephone box. But on the inside - it defies belief. It’s main cabin, which we see most of the time when the Doctor and her companions are on board, is a huge space, probably 500 times bigger than you would expect from the outside. But this is just one part of the TARDIS, it has multiple levels and is quite frankly huge.
In mediation terms this is reflected in any dispute. On the outside, the dispute is all about, say, Party A saying that Party B owes it £50,000 because something went wrong with the contract. That’s what it looks like on the outside. But once the mediator starts to look at it more closely, starts to explore the issues with the parties, starts to develop solutions and helps the parties to see a future without the dispute, it is about much more than that original £50,000 claim.
In this scenario the TARDIS is like your brain. It is the size of a cabbage to look at but it contains worlds of data and memories and scenarios which need to be tapped in to in order to get to a resolution. That £50,000 claim has multiple levels of complexity that can’t be seen by the human eye. It doesn’t reflect the fact that you feel betrayed by your business partner, or that you may lose your house, your car and even your family if you don’t get that money. It doesn’t reflect the fact that you maybe did do something wrong, and you are hiding things from yourself, from colleagues and partners - as well as from the other party.
The Doctor and her TARDIS would be a formidable force in the world of mediation. A force for good, helping maintain business relationships, keeping trade flowing, securing jobs that would otherwise be at risk, and keeping businesses working together – so they can grow and flourish and enter in to new deals and become stronger together.
Come to think of it, the Doctor is needed right now to help in the BREXIT negotiations. Or maybe she isn’t, maybe the Doctor shouldn’t ever get involved in politics (subtle message there for the writers of the current series).
But the TARDIS could. The TARDIS could take us forward 5, 10, 25 years to see the impact of a no deal or of the current deal on the table. Or the TARDIS could go back to the decision to hold a referendum in the first place and show Mr. Cameron the fallout caused by pursuing a binary referendum…I sense a spin off where the TADRIS is used by a mediator to facilitate the resolution of global conflicts and trade disputes throughout the history of time.
I could be that Doctor...