Taquanta Active Income Strategy: Stable and Consistent Returns
Taquanta Asset Managers
Energy, Synergy, Accountability- these are the 3 key values that drive our business Taquanta is an Authorised FSP.
Performance as at 28 February 2022
The Active Income strategy provides our clients with a high level of income by investing across a wide universe of income-producing assets. These assets include, but are not limited to, fixed income instruments, structured assets, preference shares, property and offshore investments.?The ability to perform asset allocation across a broader investable universe creates excellent return potential at low levels of risk, coupled with consistent capital growth and high levels of income. This strategy is available to investors as a CIS or segregated portfolio.
The chart displayed above shows a performance comparison of our Active Income return relative to selected asset classes. The chart shows that our composite Active Income strategy has produced consistent returns since inception with low volatility, delivering a solid 8.2% since inception i.e. March 2019 until February 2022 The fund comfortably outperformed CPI +3% which was at 7.6% over the same period. This investment strategy has generated excellent returns relative other asset classes such as cash, bonds, ILB’s and property without taking on excessive risk.
Active Income is suitable for investors that require an income solution with a superior yet stable return profile, with consistent capital growth over time.
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T: +27 21?681 5100
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Taquanta Asset Managers (Pty) Ltd (“Taquanta”) is is a licensed Category I, Category II and Category IIA Financial Services Provider in terms of section 8 of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act 37, 2002 (licence number 618). Accordingly, Taquanta is authorised to provide advisory and/or render discretionary intermediary services. There are certain risks associated with investments in financial products, including market, credit & currency risks. Past performance is not necessarily an indication of future performance. All returns are rand returns, unless otherwise stated.