Tapping into my best self
From?a young age, I was taught how to stay centered.?My mom grew up in the East Bay?of?California and?introduced me to?the power of mindfulness.?I grew up?meditating and?composting before any of that stuff was cool.?Although I was given the tools at?a young age, I veered off at some point.?Over the last 4-5 years,?I’ve?rededicated myself to the mind and body. This last year has brought?us much time for stillness and it was during this time that I realized just how powerful staying centered means to me and my work.??
There’s?this quote I stumbled upon earlier this month that said, “stop cheating on your future with your past…it’s over.” For some reason this really stuck with me.?To me, it means to stay present in the moment and?served?as a gentle reminder to let go of the past, and?don’t?worry about your future. Be where?you’re?at Jim!?
Working from home was a challenge to me during the onset of the pandemic but it has had?a silver lining?to it. This time has been a way for me to refresh my life. To pause in the moments when I used to hurry, to become more efficient with my tasks and chore list, and to be where I am. For context, before the lockdown, I was either briskly making my way through airports,?in flight or?meeting with teams around the world. From this brief description you can imagine how busy my life was. Meditation what? Healthy food, what? Yeah, I?wasn’t?very consistent.??
But as I have nestled into working from home,?I’ve?realized just how important this time is to me and my mind. For example, to help me stay focused I have a?post-it?note?on my computer screen that only I can see. On it is simply the #3. This number?serves as a reminder for me to pause?throughout?the day?to?take three focused deep breaths. This simple?power of meditation grounds me in the moment.?It sounds?easy,?right??It’s?not always easy. But having the note helps.??
I?don’t?meditate religiously, and I also?don’t?eat and exercise perfectly either.?I’ve?come to accept,?that’s?ok. But when I do, I noticed a huge shift within myself.?I’m?more patient, focused, and less, “Squirrel!”.?
Earlier this week I had a two-hour block come up in my calendar. I blocked the time out and took my mountain bike on the trails by my house. It was the best thing I had done in my day, heck even my week. I showered, got back online and?was laser focused on my work. I was much more efficient throughout the rest of my day.??
I get fearful of using the word “efficient”.?I?don’t?want it to seem like?I’ve?got everything figured out because I?don’t. What I mean is, when I?reflect?on those days I traveled for work, hopping on and off airplanes, in and out of hotels, I sacrificed?a lot of my mind and body wellness.?Because?I’m?home and these blocks of time can appear organically, I?make an effort?to pounce on?them?for self-care?and to have fun.??
When I focus on my inner health,?I’m?more present with my work. I have one screen on at a time. I know?I’m?not alone in this one but when?I’m?not focused,?it’s?easy for me to grab my cell phone and look at emails there on my personal account or dive into social media, when?I’m?not leading the call.?I’m?simply distracted. When I focus on meditating and exercising, and eating whole foods, I am so much more dialed in with meetings.?It’s?like an athlete when they say?they’re?in the zone. I am right there for my teammate and the topic at hand.??
When I’m in a good rhythm of being?grounded, this is what it looks like for?me:?
?It sounds simple, but it is not.?To be one with the force takes practice, and most importantly time.?Think?progress, rather than perfection. I remind myself of this because my days?go?much better. I screw up less and?I’m?more satisfied with my outcomes when I do.??
Are you focusing on mindfulness??What has been your experience with meditation??Have you been able to tap into this side of yourself through this last year like me? You?don’t?have to make it perfect, but I’m proof?its?worth a try.??