Tapping into the Hype on Spiritual Healing, Guru Yogi Mohan
Guru Yogi Mohan (PhD )
Universal Healing Project(UHP), Eliminating Brain Problems ,Brain stroke reversal (normalizing) in few days, Guru for Nada Yoga and Kayakalpa Yoga, Healer for Cancers and Brain-based problems .
Social media and news articles are constantly buzzing about wellness, meditation, energy, chakras, universe, light and love—but could this be more than a trend? It’s time to find out more by globally renown healer in India, Guru Yogi Mohan–Healer, Doctor, and Author of “Teachings of the Masters.“ His sought-after treatments at his Heritage Campus are beginning to shape the way people approach to disease, illness, and other ailments. Explore the untapped truths about spiritual healing in this quick Q&A.
How did you learn about spiritual healing?
My father is my teacher, and he talked about the invisible energies when I was only 4-years old. Then he brought many Masters to teach me. One of my masters, Siva Prebhakara Siddha Logical (www.SivaprabhakaraSiddhayogi.org), has the extraordinary power to preserve the body from damage and aging. I was given and further developed a special gift to reorganize and heal any kind of negativity, like toxins, energy fields, gravitation, and levitation.
What are chakras and energies?
Chakras are byproducts of thought process and action, and are associated with many energies also. Energies are classified in many forms, depending on factors in a human body. Upon understanding the structure of the body, people can learn to self-manage. Each person contains unique algorithms that the body constitutes. There are regulations and laws based on the intensity of the substance of the body. Chakras are byproducts of thought process and action and are associated with many energies also. Each person contains unique algorithms that the body constitutes. There are regulations and laws based on the intensity of the substance of the body.
Health is very important and truly connected with knowledge. Many sciences are behind the sustainability of health. The human body is organized like that because there are many kinds of metabolism. The first form of metabolism derives from the discharge of Human Pheromones. Based on the thought process of a human being, a corresponding chemical (chemical pheromones) discharges from the body through the pores (sweat holes). Most of the pheromones discharged are toxins and mood-changing chemicals for a third person. The degree of negative thought (jealousy and greed) is discharged in pheromones. Ancient masters are restricted in only practicing spirituality and kind-heartedness.
Do you believe that ailments are created in utero, based on the mother’s emotional state?
The relationship between the mother and baby is connected with emotion and creates attachment. There is also a protective hormone (pheromones) discharging from the mother’s body to save the child from external negatives in all forms. In most of the cases, the mother is not able to analyze or experience the negatives around her. However, the mother also serves as a conductor to distance anything fully or partially to the baby inside. Whatever affects the mother, will also affect the baby—and in the case of sound toxins, that affects 4x more than the mother, because the baby is living in water, and sound travels in water 4x faster than air.
What is the cause for Autism & is there a correlation with pesticide consumption in produce?
Pesticides may damage the brain chemically. A human body is made up of many kinds of classification and definitions—Biological Body, Neurological Body, and The Invisible Body (Energy) with energy and broken particles.
The Biological Body is the expressive emotional body that defines us as human, just as every other animal by physiology. Any problem with this is can be managed using pathological assessments and dispensing of drugs/medications. Any intaking, like food (especially fruits) and water are for the biological body as a fuel. Upon digestion, it will be discharged as waste. This body and its respective actions have no specific culture and knowledge. It is a mechanism to represent all emotional activities. Any intaking of toxins with food/water can be reflected and recognized within 24 hours. This aspect does not affect Autism or other disabilities.
The Neurological Body System reacts with chemicals, instantly. Any poisons, pesticides, and chemical intaking in food will be apparent via reflexology very quickly, especially via gases and pheromones. These are mood-changing substances that can also be treated medically and will not cause those mentioned conditions.
For Autism, there is another reason. It is not a physiological and neurological factor. There is an Invisible Body in between the Biological Body and Neurological Body. Invisible Body is a chain of cavity vacuum space that is the 3rd part of the body—ultra- and infra-lights are the fundamental energies. All those lights are invisible, read on color scales. Additionally, there are cavities all over the body that work as conductors of energy. Whenever there are damages to this conductor, the body can convert to Autism or other conditions that are not detected by any medical device and/or pathological approaches. This condition fundamentally deals with energies in a different form.
Collectively, it appears as a shadow between 2 body classifications—a conductor between the physiological and neurological segments of the body. When it limits the transfer of information from one area to another area of the body, a form of data being blocked, then a deviation in behavior—irregularities and mannerisms—are expressed. However, when the blocking of data is alleviated from that vacuum path, the symptom of Autism disappeared.
How can we all manifest healing and healthy living in our own lives?
Knowledge is the key to anything—complete knowledge—like joining two different particles together. A sperm and an egg are two living organisms. Independently each has no soul. The union of an egg and sperm is creating the 3rd energy—also known as the soul. The soul is creating the relationship—togetherness—that results in the birth of a being. These are the invisible particles—the universal one that exists everywhere. It can be joined anytime where the carrying of biological mass is good for carrying it. Living healthy means that we have to maintain our body to be sustainable to accommodate the soul energy. Consciousness plays an integral role in this topic— taste, smell, sounds, etc.—when one understands the conscious point, the individual can be well and good.