Tapping into Feedback
Feedback is always hard to hear, but there are ways to be receptive to feedback, if you want to continue growing in your personal development & leadership.
1) First item to note is if you want to control the sting a bit; ASK FOR FEEDBACK! This will lessen the sting because you have prepared yourself mentally to receive negative comments, even if you think you are "practically perfect in every way"
2) The next important piece is to actively listen to the feedback given. Even if you dislike the way it was delivered or disagree on every other parameter of the feedback. There is almost always validity in every statement made at all times; unless you are working with a psychopath... In which case; you may want to start searching for another position at a different company!
3) Lean in to the lessons that can be taken from asking & receiving feedback. This means you really need to analyze and internalize the feedback given. Throw out that which you cannot use. My bet is once you do the above two action steps, you will find out a lot more about how to be better than not.