Tapestry Of The Prince Of Persia
Tapestry Of The Prince Of Persia by Chukwuebuka Abazie

Tapestry Of The Prince Of Persia

Daniel 10:12-17 “Daniel, don't be afraid. God has heard your prayers ever since the first day you decided to humble yourself in order to gain understanding. I have come in answer to your prayer.

Daniel said he was lying with his face to the ground when he felt someone touch him, and he was brought to his hands and knees. The man, who was an angel, told Daniel to stand up. God heard Daniel’s prayer and it was in response to his prayer that the angel came to him in this vision. He would have been there earlier, the angel said, but he was detained for twenty-one days by “the prince of the kingdom of Persia.” We do not see the warfare that wages in the spiritual realm, but according to this there are fierce battles in which Satan and his forces try to disrupt the will of God.

Who is the Prince of Persia?

A Prince of Persia are rulers and governors of territories in the spiritual realm that are in-charge or responsible for the jurisdiction of a territory. The princes of darkness operates based on wide range of sinful deeds most common within a region, territory or community and they’re powerful enough to subdue people that are not spiritually quickened or aware of whom they are. My personal experience as I confronted certain territorial princes as I was divinely lead into such territories gave me a different perception all together. I can tell you for a fact that each territory you find yourself in, either a temporal or permanent place of residence all have a spiritual legislation and jurisdiction of spirits. Some territories are possessed with the spirit of lust, wrath, greed, envy or uncommon wickedness that simply has no explanation to back up such reaction. Have you noticed that there are certain areas you’d find yourself in and what you experience there mostly is people always fornicating, lusting excessively or committing adulterous acts. A territory with the spirit of lust subdue their victims to sexual perversion and immorality of all kinds, and they find it totally normal because they’ve been programmed into believing that having sexual encounters with one another is totally normal amongst them. When you find yourself in such environments, always know that you’re not just dealing with a demon but a prince or princes. Better still picture it this way, that you’re up against a government of darkness and when you’re not spiritually equipped in God through prayers and knowledge of the word, you must wait for God’s directives before you engage in such battle. Understand that God cannot put you in a battlefield that you’re not capable of overcoming and emerging victoriously. And from my understanding, God literally puts his most strongest warriors in such scenarios to train us. We just have to be discerning enough to know what God is doing, sometimes he discloses and sometimes he doesn’t until such battle is over. When God withholds information from you regardless of our persistent relationship of prayer, it is because he expects us to obey and keep moving even when we’re uncertain about the outcome. In every spiritual battle or warfare, God focuses on two things namely; Faith and Obedience. Faith gives us 70% victory whereas obedience makes it 100%, regardless of the outcome one cannot function without the other.

Likewise, when God moves you towards an unknown territory our jobs is to scan such environment in the spirit to extract information of what and whom we’re dealing with. It is totally absurd to feel like everything is under control when God relocates you or gravitates you towards an unknown territory because you don’t know what spirit rules there. Be alert enough to know that your first job is to pray and watch, spiritually and physically to be aware of the kind of jurisprudence you’re up against. Failure to do this will result to you backsliding and falling into such sin and when you keep giving in you become one of the slaves of such territory. Sometimes when we fail to grasp the voice of God or lack discernment of times and seasons, our prayers sometimes might be delayed. Just like Daniel, he prayed to God and his prayers was answered but then the angel that was dispatched from heaven, carried with him the answers Daniel seeks but then it was withheld from Daniel for 21 days, do you know why?

Daniel’s answers was withheld because he was in a territory where dark princes rule, and the kingdom of darkness knows that if Daniel receives his answers, he’d cause disruption to the kingdom of darkness in that territory. So they engaged in a fierce battle with the angel that had Daniel answers until Archangel Micheal came to assist the angel that carried Daniel’s answers. When the Holy Spirit lead me to this scripture, he started speaking to me with clear understanding of what could have been the problem of Daniel’s delay. I believe this scripture was so clear to me enough to understand the failure of sharpened discernment, I believe God allowed such event to play out that way so he could educate you and I using Daniel’s story, the implications when we fail to conquer territories in the spirit, the true nature of zero discernment and the repercussion of a low and effective prayer life.

Now imagine for a moment, if Daniel had conquered the Prince of Persia through prayers what and whom could have withheld the angel from bringing Daniels answers? Because the bible says that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and wickedness in high places” - Ephesians 6:12

I’ve been in territories where I witnessed certain dark prominence rulership over individuals or inhabitants of that land, more especially I’ve been placed in territories where perversion of all kinds is at all time high. Most common with sexual perversion, geed, pride and envy. It’s so amazing how you’d find yourself in territories where everyone wants to have sex regardless of the gender. They don’t mind having sex with opposite gender to feel good, also my experience with certain territory is the fact that people are also envious and greedy towards one another. Whereas the bible instructed us to be kind and compassionate towards one another, there are certain territories where the reverse is likely the case. You’d see people bitter and aggrieved towards one another, such disheartening epistle becomes gratified overtime and normalcy becomes the outcome.

My question to you is Who was the bible referring as “Principalities & wickedness in high places”?

There are certain territories that are being governed by certain spirits, dukes, princes and several high ranking demonic forces that you probably can’t see but discern and observe by the help of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit increases your awareness by attuning your attention to the patterns and repetitive occurrences within such area or region. For instance; there are certain areas that the spirit of lust and perversion dwells or operates in, in such area everyone within that area becomes lustful towards one another. The rate of sexual activities is at all time high, ie sexual harassment, prostitution or immoralities that people dwell on and they’re feeling and thinking that it’s a way or life or it’s a fun thing to do. Another signifying point could be an environment where people are obsessively greedy and unnaturally wicked toward one another. A brother cannot help another who’s in need, whereas some that do, would always request for something in return even if it’s a stranger. I’m not saying this because someone said it, but I’ve been able to notice and observe these acts and way of life from a first hand view. Meaning that God intentionally placed me in certain areas and places just for me to be aware of what’s going on.

I can agree with you for sure that God is the creator of all and the owner of all, but we shouldn’t be ignorant of the fact that Lucifer rules the earth. The bible says; Ephesians 2vs1-5 reads; That we are made alive in Christ Jesus. And as for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions —it is by grace you have been saved. When we feel entitled to certain things that’s materialistic, possessive and power based, we begin to thrive on them more so often that we forget who we are and as we begin to idolise them we begin to loose our sense of true identity and integrity on them. I’ve witnessed and experienced a first hand encounter with certain gatekeepers and territorial princes of darkness as I began walking with God. My understanding of certain territories where God has placed me in, made me understand how a territory is being operated, governed and more importantly understanding the fundamental basis of their rulership. Just before God begins to move in a certain territory, he ensures that he’s dominated and conquered the princes or gatekeepers of such territory, therefore giving him the ownership and rulership of such territory through a provided vessel (you and I) being a servant and a steward of God.

Giselle Ford

Sales & Marketing - Human Resources - Sales specialist

1 年

This makes so much sense, the more we read God’s Word, the Bible. I pray God will pour His Holy Spirit on our World so more people will want to know more and follow His Word.

Muhammad Azam bilal

??? Results Driven Digital Marketing Specialist ?? Performance Marketing Executive ?? Media Buying Consultant ?? All I do is profitable Ads & Scaling ??

1 年

what is your mean?



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