To: Potential Partners in Giving
From: Executor-Office Liaison on behalf of The Angel Project
Dear Business Associates, Potential Partners, Affiliates, & All Others,
An email communiqué was distributed to TAP’s correspondence list this past October, with in-depth information regarding what Angel representatives have been diligently doing throughout the spring and summer! All of which was (and is) central to TAP meeting its key business goals! Here are some of the highlights:
- Help keep local minority-owned businesses prospering with a steady stream of patrons.
- Buy locally produced products, goods, and services as often as possible. Doing so leaves less carbon foot-print with fewer hands in-between the producers, growers, manufacturers, and/ or?distributors and consumers. This business practice contributes to lower overhead costs for vendors to stay fully operational, so consumers will pay less at the point of sale!
- Get better acquainted with local retailers and shop owners, and promote their specialties to local patrons, including seasonal features, discounts, and specials.
- During August TAP began scheduling a series of phone survey/ questionnaire interviews on the following topics: Food Scarcity, Survival during Recessions & Economic Decline Periods, Coping with High Unemployment Rates, & Government Subsidies. In-person survey focus groups will be held in N. Dallas beginning in April, 2024, prospectively.
- TAP combined its Test Market CARE Package Drop Campaign with Thanksgiving, Christmas, & the New Year Holidays! Look for picture updates on my home page in January, 2024 illustrating TAP’s Holiday Sandwich w/ sides from Nelly’s, served in TAP’s custom, autographed, original designer bag!
- Quarterly [Giving] Reports were emailed to all those who contributed to TAP during Quarters 1-3 to date. TAP has gone paperless to stay consistent with its business goal of finding more environmentally friendly operating strategies! The entire year's aggregates will be emailed to patrons no later than Jan 15th of 2024. These reports are for corporate accountability of course, but also for patrons' benefit; so they can see the different ways their dollars support TAP and its representatives. Furthermore, qualifying contributors will be presented with seven different dollars donated redemption options via TAP's "Here’s How Charitable Giving Can Give Back!” advent, to take place during?the 1st quarter of 2024. SEE BELOW!
- The Children's Toy Drive was tentatively postponed for the 2024 Holiday Season or next year; but a mid-year educational toy-themed drive is tentatively on TAP’s Events Calendar for elementary school-aged children. Items such as used age-appropriate books, learning, experimenting, & exploring scientific games & toys, and math video games, etc. are in high demand, to help children belonging to schools serving urban areas and minorities meet common core education requirements. More information about a mid-year toy drive will be provided at a later time.
- The 2023 Canned Food Drive was also postponed because [it] is currently under reconstruction or deconstruction that is! TAP did not reinvent the canned food drive concept, of course! However, creative minds are still deliberating over the best delivery methods, so this event will take place at an undetermined date/ time during 2024.
- A High Stakes Poker game night is currently under urban revamp! TAP is going to do its best to make this event occur w/ out a hitch, but post collaborating with other urban area-serving programs, TAP has revised its strategy. Instead of Texas hold-em for medium to high-rollers TAP will be hosting a "Domino!" exclaiming, card-slapping, hoot-n-holler, urban kind of affair for charity! Updates on this event will be posted later in 2024. Some hints on how the event will transpire: All “playa-playa” aficionados will be summoned to a domino and/ or spades [doubles & singles] tournament to raise money for future TAP charitable advents! There will be soft and adult-themed drinks for purchase, along with Nelly’s Southern food favorites to promote local businesses, and national & locally-supported beverage brands! TAP is looking to partner w/ local and regional food & beverage restaurants/ chains to serve up their wares. All of which enables them to have more of a service presence among urbanites, for local familiarization and community brand recognition!
- An updated list of preferred food & beverage retailers was distributed w/ (3) additions: TAP is extending its economic impact zone NW to include Panda Express: 13350 Dallas Pkwy, Dallas, TX 75240. Adjacent to other N. Dallas food & beverage preferred purveyors are?Burger King:?11830 N Central Expy, Dallas, TX 75243; Taco Bell: 8001 Forest Ln, Dallas, TX 75243; and Sonic: 8045 Forest Ln, Dallas, TX 75243.
Here’s How Charitable Giving Can Give Back! The Angel Project thanks all those who diligently responded each time its premier representative (me) sent out a solicitation! To show how much the Chairman and I appreciate all monetary gifts, this past September we sent out a “7-Ways to Return” offer to 1st Tier Givers of $150 and up during each quarter; or a minimum of $300 bi-annually. During the 1st?quarter of 2024 said patron contributors will have Seven Redemption Options to choose from. TAP will likewise return contributed dollars back to givers between now and in the future with the following: The donor’s name will be entered into a raffle drawing to win a big ticket item, and every 100 dollars received will equate to (4) name entries in the raffle. The prize will be a gourmet gift basket featuring all TAP’s local favorite purveyors of snacks, coffees, biscuits & pastries, wine, and other misc. goodies! The gift basket will have a retail value of up to $300! You might say the owners of businesses within TAP’s economic impact cycle (N & NW Dallas, TX) are sending a “Thank You” also, since they are often recipients of charitable dollars contributed to TAP!
Thanks for taking the time to read this update and TAP looks forward to partnering with you all in making an impact in the fight to eradicate N & NW Dallas community inequities, poverty, and hunger! Remember, NOW is the TIME for GIVING! Give and likewise the same measure shall be given unto you!?
Pamela R. Patterson, Executor & Office Liaison on behalf of?TAP