TAP Operation PUSH Text Message Campaign
Pamela R. Patterson
Twenty Years [Plus] of Office Administration Experience! Virtual & Remote Office Executive, Administrator, & Communications Liaison
Date: June 25, 2023?????????
To: Potential Partners in Giving
From: Executor-Office Liaison Administrative Desk on behalf of The Angel Project
Re: TAP Operation PUSH Text Message Campaign?? ?
Dear Business Associates, Potential Partners, Affiliates, & All Others,
As described in my last TAP communiqué, the Operation PUSH (Persistence Until Something Happens) Mode Text Message Campaign deadline of June 15, 2023 has passed. TAP did not achieve the results needed to meet its business operation goals! Although the campaign to raise the target amount has ceased officially, TAP will subsequently accept any and all monetary contributions. The individuals who responded to the text campaign were the usual titans who, like during past fund-raising attempts were receptive and willing to contribute. Both The Chairman and I are grateful for the generosity therefore! ?
I will note just a few important facts about TAP and why it exists. Some of the information may be redundant to some. For others though, it may be helpful: All monies, every dollar that is, received through the business office is used intelligently, in support of diverse Angel Project business functions. Such as purchasing merchandise from select small and/ or minority-owned businesses, venders, agent-sales reps, and contractors. These classifieds are part of a circle of job-placements and/ or position creation, professional training and development, potential mentors for TAP pupils, and future donators [hopefully]. The money generated from this group of professionals (mostly food and beverage dealers for now) is valuable in a few ways: Support of other purveyors of merchandise and services; state sales tax distribution supporting essential civil services (firemen, policeman, medi-techs, public school teachers), roads and highway construction, public education, libraries, museums, visual and performing arts, etc. These are all job-creating entities! Last, but certainly not least of all of TAP’s objectives is the stabilization of local employment rates, by which wage earners become part of the economic circle that sustains defined communities.
TAP does not presume to replace government-funded programs. However, its founders have devised a creative way for business-minded individuals who care about the current state of human affairs on a micro-cosmic level, to reach back and provide a hand-up to others! Some of whom may not be eligible for state or government resources because simply put, they cannot be defined or listed within statistics denoting social exigency. TAP’s target demographic is employable, educated (at least two or more years of higher education/ trade school), higher wage-earning adults between the age of 21 and 35, with no notable medical or psychological conditions that preclude working in [most] environments. Or those listed as [adult] dependents because of pre-existing medical/ psychological conditions that prevent work of any type/ kind. Moreover, due to a highly competitive job market, unforeseeable life happenings that necessitate professionals employing a more competitive edge over contenders, or a limited number of available jobs in traditional work environments, a whole new class of workers has emerged, I found, upon reentering the work force after a six-year sabbatical to finish my education. I identified this group as “college-educated, adult-aged people with work experience of 3 to 5 years in the same area of field. Thus, were groomed for self-employment and/ or independent contractorship denoting professional readiness/ experience. This group is comprised of but not limited to: Franchisees, sales reps/ distributors, office pros (accountants, tax pros, data entry or typists, secretaries, and customer service reps), traveling/ home medical professionals, private and/ or remote educators/ tutors, home-based caterers and food cart purveyors, freelance computer and IT specialists, landscape architects/ designers, construction workers, photographers, event planners, hair stylists and makeup artists, personal fitness trainers and dieticians, etc. These individuals are more or less sole proprietors who typically work harder than the average individual; because they are tasked with increasing their business clientele and customer base while accumulating “man hours” or relevant work experience. Many from this group were displaced during high unemployment rates prior to COVID, and experienced difficulty finding gainful employment during and post the epidemic. TAP has inventive, project-specific ways and means by which to utilize all forms of human potential. Its representatives believe each member of a community is a likely valuable source of man-power! Community engagement, personal and professional financial viability, mentorship, and business adventure best describes TAP in concise terms!
Thank you for taking the time to read this memo update! TAP and its representatives look forward to partnering with like-minded individuals to help mediate homelessness, food scarcity and insecurity, and all other forms of social disenfranchisement in the Dallas, TX region. ?
Remember, NOW is the time for GIVING! Give and likewise, in the same manner, it shall be given unto you!
Yours Truly,
Pamela R. Patterson, Executor & Office Liaison on behalf of TAP