Tap Into The Emotional Drivers That Will Keep You Consistently Motivated

Tap Into The Emotional Drivers That Will Keep You Consistently Motivated

With a newfound sense of determination and purpose, I felt unstoppable! I knew in the depths of my soul that this time, it was going to work.??

I had reached my breaking point. Enough was enough! - it was time to finally put myself first and get to the root of this overeating problem once and for all.

I took the time for deep self-reflection, journaling about the triggers and emotions underlying my overeating behaviors. Gaining that clarity was crucial.? (Read about the first R, how to Reflect here)

Then I moved on to asking myself better questions - how could I refine my actions and strategies to get the results I truly desired? (Read about the second R, Refining actions here)

Now, with a clear plan in place, it was time to stay focused and motivated. I was determined to make myself and my health the priority, fueled by a deeper sense of purpose.

As I entered the Refocus stage, I knew the real work was just beginning.?

It was time to tap into an even deeper reservoir of motivation and determination. This was where I would reconnect with my core purpose and reignite the passion that would carry me through to the finish line.

The Refocus stage is all about recentering yourself on the 'why' behind what you want.? Why do you have your goal(s).??

The Refocus stage is about tapping into your most powerful source of fuel - your deeper purpose and underlying motivation.?

It's about getting crystal clear on the deeper emotional drivers and personal aspirations that are fueling your journey. Because when you can powerfully articulate the true meaning and significance of what you're trying to achieve, it has a transformative effect.

Suddenly, your goals take on new meaning - they're no longer just a to-do list, but a deeply personal mission that you're fiercely committed to.

It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind of pursuing our goals and wants, losing sight of the bigger "why" that's driving us forward. But when we take the time to reconnect with that deeper purpose, it has the power to completely transform our mindset and approach.?

Purpose is the fire that keeps us going, even when the path gets tough or we veer off the path. It's what gives our actions true meaning and significance. By Refocusing on our core motivations, we reignite the passion and determination that will carry us through to the finish line.? It helps us to get back on course.?

Clarifying your true "why" - the core drivers behind your goals:

Take a moment to really Reflect on your goal(s) or desired outcome(s).?

Why is this important to you? Write it down.? Then ask yourself again, why is this important to me?? Write that answer down.? Then ask again. Keep asking until you distill it down to the deepest core reason why you want this.? Then re-write it in words that are juicy to you.? Words that really fuel your fire to take action. ? Post it everywhere, so that you see it ALL the time.?

Here are some clarity questions to ask:

What deeper need or aspiration is it fulfilling?

Is it about achieving a sense of mastery??

Making a positive impact?

Proving something to yourself??

Uncovering your true "why" is transformative, because it taps into the emotional drivers that will keep you consistently motivated, even in the face of obstacles.?

Spend some time journaling about this, getting crystal clear on the core reasons behind your goal. The more specific and personal you can get, the more power it will have to Refocus and reenergize you.

Some examples could be:

“I want to lose weight so I can feel empowered in my own body and life, no longer at? the mercy of my emotional eating triggers."

"I want to lose weight so I can feel healthy, energized, and confident in my own skin again. I deserve to treat my body with the care and respect it deserves."

"I want to lose weight so I can be the best version of myself, both for my kids and to inspire other women who are struggling. I want to demonstrate that it's never too late to take control of your health and happiness."

When you reconnect with your deeper purpose and clarify your true "why," it has an almost magical effect.?

Suddenly, your goal takes on new meaning and significance.?

It's no longer just a to-do list item, but a deeply personal mission that you're fiercely committed to.?

This Refocusing process has the power to reignite the passion and determination that may have started to wane, especially during a setback. When our minds want to only focus on the negative result we can pull out our purpose statement and read it. Re-read it until we are so motivated to get back on course that nothing can stop us!

Your purpose statement reminds you of the bigger picture, why this matters so much to you, and what you stand to gain by seeing it through.?

With this renewed sense of motivation fueling you, you'll find yourself taking action with a newfound energy and focus. The path forward will feel clearer, and the obstacles you face will feel less overwhelming.?

This is the transformative power of the Refocus stage.

And, when inevitable setbacks or challenges arise during your weight loss journey, revisiting this powerful "why" can be the key to getting back on track.

By tapping into the deeper emotional drivers fueling your goals, you can reignite your passion and determination. And you can further bolster your resolve by Reflecting on the most recent setback or challenge to find the lessons (the first R) and Refining your strategies accordingly (the second R).

This holistic, cyclical approach is what makes the 4 R's framework so effective - it equips you with the tools to push through even the toughest obstacles.

The Refocus stage is where the magic truly happens - it's where you reconnect with your deeper purpose and reignite the passion that will carry you through to the finish line. By getting crystal clear on your 'why' and the core emotional drivers behind your goals, you transform them from mere wishes into unbreakable commitments.

And remember, the 4 R's is not a linear process, but a cyclical one. As you move forward, there will inevitably be setbacks and challenges that test your resolve. That's when revisiting this Refocus stage becomes so crucial.

Take the time to re-center yourself, to reconnect with that powerful 'why' that fuels your determination. Pair it with the lessons you've learned (Reflect) and the strategic adjustments you've made (Refine), and you'll have an unshakable foundation to keep pushing ahead.

So embrace this Refocus stage wholeheartedly. Carve out the time to get crystal clear on your purpose and motivation. Post your 'why' everywhere as a constant source of inspiration. And then go forth and make it happen - I know you have what it takes. The finish line is closer than you think.

Next week I’ll dive deep into the 4t R. How to Recommit to yourself and your goals.


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