“IF THE TAP DRIPS BLOODY WELL SIT UNDER IT”..(a well known Catering expression)

I visited a Coffee Bar recently ”to take a look”,it was all hip modern cool and very in vogue.

Full of 35-50+ year olds whom frequented it from morning until late afternoon 7even days a week.It had a clear identity, it wasn’t difficult to work out what it was, it had an ethos and its disciples came, paid and departed.

It had a nice feel to it, really great music with a unique super Cafe culture and all without the branded conceptual plastic rolled out of our high street friends now so dominant from the Airport to the Rail to Hospital I could go on.It turned over around £750k pa (not bad considering its site location etc) it had a clearly defined audience and a demographic following which was very exact with a good selection of Audi Mercs and BMWs stuck on the pavement.

The food was rustic local and clearly focused upon its eaters with a small compact menu featuring the “this of the day” etc.It was a one cook operation which drove the back of house cooking room and they were all over it like a rash no matter what the numbers or if it rained shined snowed or shone.

The owners whom (played at it every day)had originally purchased the property like so many but hadn’t a clue about the Catering industry. But somehow it all worked, they had made a few bob in other industries a few years ago.

However after a few seasons “whomever they were” decided that they could move it all up a few pegs and really make some money by cracking the evening dinner trade and do less Coffee and more Restaurant.Why not …? they probably felt like it was the Advancing army taking over ground upon ground .

The interior designer arrived (probably not a professional but a friend of the owners whom had a nice house and read the Sunday Times perhaps)to look at it all.I presume with little or no consultation with the staff or the present customer base, the build ripping out began.

They moved the main feature bar three foot(strange)and had to take a wall out and doors to do so.They removed the photos and sketches which gave the market a clear message of what the business served and sold and to what age group.They added in a Mish Mash of Norwegian tables with other various styled chairs, chucked out the music and changed to a very different set of tunes, threw out the tight easily managed menu and exploded it into a new one containing 50+ dishes with everything from Burgers to Salads to Pasta to Steaks to design your own Sandwiches to 12 different pies to Asian to local to Pastries to Bakery to (it went on) i am sure you could of got Doversole or Lobster in there also?.This was collected into a new menu with the tragic colour photos of food but it had nice modern clip fastening the pages all together so I shouldn’t of worried.I forgot they also changed the bespoke toileteries to the really nasty stuff.

The end result was the owners took a back seat and sat back, the Kitchen staff increased from one to 3.5, the stockholding increased ten fold and they had to get bigger bins for the food wastage.Every conceivable Gin and Martini became available, the strangest of Whiskies appeared and the bar became a chemists back room, candles appeared on the tables after 7pm and off it went.

The day time Cafe culture disappeared to three streets down across the square and there previous success was lost with about a 70% drop in overall revenue.

The night time trade never happened, but what little was sat there was an extreme of age groups from the mid 20s to the mid 70s all looking at each other with great contempt.

There answer ….to get a PR man in to hand out menus and leaflets in an evening with a glorious new menu board with a brighter light in it than MUFC flood lights.Then ramp up the selling on the pavements plus the addition of bloody great posters up telling everyone that it did everything now for everyone A-Men.Also to dovetail into this was the action time decision to chop the hell out of the front of house staff and reduce this to one person (don’t worry it made the budgeted wage percentage Mr FD).

The end result was it got people in for the one time experience in the evening but they never came back ever and each of them told 100 other people how bad it was.

So “if the tap drips sit under it” or if you have success understand why, and whom are your audience, and your market ….



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