Tap Dancing to work
Tap dancing to work. What I mean by that is you love your work, you love the grind by the work you do, you love the hard tearing occurs during the way to success, you love by observing the sweat coming out of your body and eyes bleeding while you do that particular thing. You enjoyed the process. You do hard work and do more work without focusing the short term results. How you can tap dance to work, how you can start to love the grind. It require to change in mindset, to learn to love the grid of your work you have to change many habits. There are four major steps you can turn around.
1) You have to find your own thing.
People called it passion or self-awareness. Whatever you can say but I am going to show you how you can find that what type of person you are. The simplest way to find your passion is test 500 different things, yes there is no exist other way, there exist no nugget, there exist no pill or something like that. It could be like Hartley Peavey. As a young man in 1957, Hartley Peavey went to a Bo Diddley concert, fell in love with rock and roll guitar music, and the course of his life and career were forever changed. Peavey is the President and CEO of Peavey Electronics, one of the largest independently owned manufacturers of amplifiers, sound systems, microphones, guitars, drums, consumer electronics, and other products.
But I can tell you some symptoms like the thing you going to do at weekends the thing that you are going to do when you are 80, the thing that you are going to do for free, the thing that you are going to do for the rest of your life. Test everything keeping in mind that what is that thing that you enjoy doing. What is the thing that you tap dance to work. What is the thing which will force you to wake up in the morning?
2) The greater force behind it.
Once you have find your thing, the factor or the thing that will keep you on the track is being the part of something greater than you yes greater than yourself. Behind goal there is something big that why you wanted to achieve that goal. This may be the love with your family, or to have a great future, to feeling of being important or have personal desire. But keep in mind without this force you cannot tap dance out of bed to work, without this you cannot carry on the next two things. So make sure you put maximum effort to know this.
3) Taking responsibility:
Keeping in mind the above mentioned two things when you take the full responsibility you learn. Taking full responsibility for every good and bad because from bad you learn(no one can avoid mistakes) and from good you got motivated and got the fuel for running along the way.
Take full ownership to everything and then everything is gets easy because then you are in control. And then learn how to love to loose. I think that’s how entrepreneurship is and that’s how life is, we all have losses, and so I like losses, I love adversity, I like the climb. I like the chip on my shoulders and people like “oh I knew he is not that goodâ€. Yeah all on me, I enjoy losses, I celebrate wins, now of a sudden you become completely invincible.
4) Will power:
Having said that you wanted these things but you have to apply two things called,. And from the last thing is will power that what you have said, you going to achieve that at whatever condition might be. Because without this people don’t going to believe in you anymore, secondly the biggest reason to have a will power is it helps you to persevere, and helps you when you are at downtime. Committed, as Sachin Tendulkar, he always joined the field half an hour before anybody in the ground even after when he was considered a God Father of cricket. He would always put a much more hard work and the results you can see.
While having all of these four things, let me assure you the sooner you will adopt these the sooner you will be on the path to meet your dreams. Because from the life of all of the successful people i.e. Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, and Bill Gates and The Rock, you can find all these four things in their life. So it’s necessary to build these habits in you. And the results would be
· There would be ripple effect that boost your efficiency.
· You would be happy and feel proud of doing the thing that you want to do.
· You will never give up and persevere.
· The odds of success in your life increase many folds.
· Would have a strong motivation behind this a strong sense of purpose and fuel to run forever.