On Tap #7: Tap's secret sauce

On Tap #7: Tap's secret sauce

Just a heads up: This newsletter is made for our Tap drivers in the Netherlands, who get it first. We thought you might like it too, that's why you're seeing it a bit later here on LinkedIn.

#7: Across the pond, complex pricing and e-rickshaws.

Tap's secret sauce

As part of Tap’s secret sauce?we monitor charge sessions, internet activity, charger lag and more to filter out unreliable chargers on our map.

Even so, things can go wrong with your session:

  • Charger software glitches, internet connectivity, or hardware faults
  • Poor cable connection between the cable and the car or charger
  • Information delays in charger status or discrepancies in other key information between operators and providers
  • Power grid outages or fluctuations in the electricity supply

To help you understand what's going wrong, we've built more transparency into our latest app version:

  • New charge session flow – see what’s happening at every step
  • New troubleshooter – to help if you have trouble starting a session

Your community feedback is a big help too.

Thank you to our helpful drivers commenting on chargers and locations! You make it easy for everyone to find a reliable charge. Keep ‘em coming.?Until next time, Happy Tapping

Nico Spoelstra & Dan Pezim | Co-Founders, Tap Electric

Tap Map Intel - how much does it cost you to charge here?

Every newsletter we’ll compare two areas. First up, Netherlands vs Gemeente Rotterdam .

Based on a charge session of 10 kWh, 10 kW power, 10 hours and a Tap Roamer subscription.



Average cost




Average cost

The latest from the Tap blog

ANWB laadpas is one of the most popular charge cards for EV drivers in the Netherlands, but how does it compare to the cheaper option from Tap?

Read now →

Good stuff on the internet

This month’s best content that helped us think, learn or feel optimistic about the energy transition.

Steeds slimmer laden: hoe de bidirectionele auto een succes kan worden on Change Inc

Bi-directional charging is a technology that could benefit both grid support and driver wallets. Research by Kia and ElaadNL is trying to tackle challenges such as standardising communication protocols, dynamic pricing models and getting real-time, detailed information about our grid.

“E-rickshaws are obviously an improved version of traditional manual ones, and it’s better to concentrate on how to make these rickshaws safer and more sustainable instead of banning them, which will not work.” - Faisal Mahmud

EV charging industry reaches crossroads as competition heats up on Bloomberg

Rising EV sales will drive a significant increase in chargers and investments in charging infrastructure need to keep up. The article talks about how the coming years may play out differently around the world due to intense competition and profitability concerns are putting pressure on investors, technology shifts and more importantly quality of service.

”Getting chargers in the ground is only one of several challenges for operators. They also need to redouble their reliability, efficiency and site-selection efforts to win over customers. Those without enough financial backing to see through low utilization periods will go out of business, with their best sites gobbled up by those with deeper pockets.” – Ryan Fisher

The truth about electric driving: Auke Hoekstra debunks 3 persistent myths by Innovation Origins

Elcke Vels from Innovation Origins and sustainability expert Auke Hoekstra debunk 3 myths about electric driving including the claim that it virtually saves no CO2.

Nonsense. You emit about seventy percent less CO2 compared to fossil fuel cars. That’s a factor of three less, a significant difference. People who claim otherwise often assume outdated figures, about emissions from battery production, for example.” – Auke Hoekstra

**Bonus: In Friesland betaal je bij een openbare laadpaal een euro meer dan in Groningen en Drenthe. Hoe kandat? on Leeuwarder Courant

Wilbert Elting talks with our Co-Founder, Nico Spoelstra on why there are differences in charger prices from the price of energy to the way municipalities work on concessions.

10 kilowattuur, de inhoud van de accu van de meeste hybride auto’s en goed voor zo’n zestig kilometer rijden, kost in Friesland 6,69 euro. Terwijl het landelijk gemiddelde ligt op 5,73 euro. “Als je 10.000 kilometer per jaar volledig elektrisch rijdt, kost je dat hier dus 188 euro extra.” – Nico Spoelstra

Did you know?

The average person in the Netherlands used enough energy in 2023 to drive a Tesla Model 3 the entire length of the Dutch coastline 631 times!

Source: Our World in Data, EV Database

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